Coronavirus in Slovakia: 2,415 more cases and 13 deaths –

Apr 21, 2022 at 10:00 I Updated at 11:20 There are currently 1,108 patients in hospitals. The article continues under video advertising The article continues under video advertising BRATISLAVA. PCR tests confirmed 2,415 coronavirus infections in Slovakia on Wednesday. The laboratories evaluated 8,416 samples. The antigen tests showed 347 positive tests and performed 7,402 tests. The National Center for Health Information (NCZI) informs about it. Bratislava – 400 Košice – 115 Žilina – 105 Nitra – 83 Prešov – 83 The most positive came in the Bratislava region (543). Followed by Žilinský (366), Košický (331), Prešovský (305), Trenčiansky (269), Banskobystrický (243), Nitriansky (194). The lowest number of new cases was in the Trnava region (164). There are currently 1,108 patients with hospitals in hospitals. There are 94 patients in the ICU, 22 infected people need pulmonary ventilation.