Ivana Gottová revealed what was whispered about her daughter Charlotte – Pluska

yesterday 19:45 Karel Gott would be extremely proud of his Charlotte. Oh, what Ivana Gottová revealed about her older daughter! Karel Gott has not been here for more than two years, but fans are still interested in him. The widow of Karl Gott tries to keep his memory and participates in events connected with the name of Karel Gott. Thus, after his death, she took care of publishing the book My Journey for Happiness or premiered the documentary film Karel, which he made the maestro during the last year of his life. Read more Jasmina Alagič on PHOTO without makeup: This is how Rhythm sees her? Maybe not, because she looks quite … Only one thing she has not managed to do so far, and that is memorial concerts for her deceased husband. The reason, of course, was the restrictions associated with the corona pandemic. However, it seems to be shining for better times. Ivana was finally able to announce the date of the event to the star performers, including Gott’s daughter Charlotte. Her father placed great hopes in it and the future star is really growing out of it, because you can see PHOTO in the GALLERY. Read more Bagar’s Mach showed his daughter Rumia, but you will notice those shots, your heart will be pressed: Here is the reason! PHOTO Is Charlotte Gott’s future star growing? Check out her new PHOTO Read more So yet! Stropnický finally admitted a new mistress, but aha, who is it, PHOTO: That’s a real goal! “Beautiful day. We have been intensively preparing Concerts of Tribute to Karl Gott in recent weeks and I think I could please some of you with this news: we have managed to add several hundred more tickets to both sold-out concerts. We look forward to seeing you on June 19th and 20th in the O2 arena not only we, but also fifty performers, “wrote Ivana Gottová. Read more What does it look like? Zagor’s husband Margita changed beyond recognition, he is a completely different man! PHOTO See which stars will perform at the memorial concert Read more Tereza Pergner’s children are already “big”: Oh, how a son has changed, and see her daughter, PHOTO! Read more Is it Nina? Oh, how Sklenařík’s daughter has grown up! And that hair, because she’s already like … Read more She doesn’t seem to! Dagmar Havlová showed PHOTO from the bed: She does not lack courage, because she is quite there …