WITH. Hamran: The evidentiary situation is strong enough that investigators can also accuse the three-time prime minister | TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

The Twilight event, during which they detained former Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák and also accused the head of the Direction, Robert Fico, of founding and planning a criminal group, was planned for several months and the approximate date of the event was known several weeks in advance. This was stated by Police President Štefan Hamran during the discussion of Marek Vagovič’s Evening, informs post.com. The police chief did not want to comment on the testimony and evidence on which the NAKA accusation is based. However, according to him, the evidentiary situation is so strong that investigators can also accuse the three-time prime minister. He rejected allegations that he would interfere in the investigation. According to him, it is not excluded that the circle of accused will continue to expand and that detention will continue. The police are said to be working on several “fronts”. He also said that there were eight accused persons in the case, four of whom have already been detained and that there are about six witnesses in the proceedings. Hamran also confirmed that the police will ask the National Council of the Slovak Republic to extradite Robert Fico. “The police will act in a lawful manner. When the reasons for detention are, although the procedure is more complicated, we look at him as an ordinary mortal, “he said. According to him, investigators should not sweep the accusations under the rug just because he is a politically exposed person, so as not to make politicians martyrs. The Chief of Police also counts on the use of Section 363 by the Prosecutor General’s Office. “We are prepared for this to happen, but the police force must act as required by law. We will not solve whether there is a prosecutor who will throw it off the table in a pofider way, “said Hamran. According to the police president, NAKA has started massively, she feels support and her hands are untied. “I have a feeling that they have an extreme desire to work and set out to cleanse society of those who have been looting our public finances here for years,” he said. He claims that they have new talents among the investigators. According to him, NAKA will wage a relentless battle for the character of the state, although the era of Tibor Gašpar and Milan Lučanský has already ended in the police force. He urgently needed to clean up the National Criminal Agency from those who did not belong there and embezzled the police profession. According to him, the results can also be seen at this event, about which information did not escape prematurely either in the political environment or among the accused or journalists.