TPMP: “Put in the closet”, Delphine Wespiser reacts to her ousting after having supported Marine Le Pen – Teller Report

The former Miss France Alsatian Delphine Wespiser had publicly defended Marine Le Pen on the set of TPMP and sparked a controversy. More than a week after her remarks, she returns to the set of the show, as a guest this time and returns to her eviction. The controversy dates back to April 13. Invited to TPMP, former Miss France Delphine Wespiser defended the RN presidential candidate. According to the former beauty queen, her political project bears no resemblance to that of her father. A point of view opposed to that of Yassine Belattar, comedian who was present during the show, which immediately triggered strong reactions. The young woman even explained that she had received thousands of insulting messages following this position. “Too brave, too authentic?” Invited once again on the set of Cyril Hanouna this Wednesday, April 20, Delphine Wespiser returned to the immense controversy triggered by her remarks and deplores the fact of having had to leave her post as columnist. Visibly angry, the former Miss France reacted: “Why am I being punished and shelved? Because I was too brave, too authentic? Because I said what I thought, because I doing my job as a columnist?” “I am put in the closet because I used my right to freedom of thought”, explains the former columnist who also explains that this decision penalizes her financially. “I am put in the closet (…) I lose the price of freedom” Presidential: Delphine Wespiser and Bernard Montiel ousted from #TPMP: The reaction of the columnist.— TPMP (@TPMP) April 20, 2022 Cyril Hanouna’s explanations Ousted from the show, so this time she returned to the set as a guest and this Wednesday, Cyril Hanouna also reconsidered this decision, and revealed the reasons. “Fairly complex rules have forced us not to have Delphine and Bernard (Montiel, editor’s note) as columnists until Sunday. As a reminder, we are subject to strict equality of speaking time between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. problem is that Delphine and Bernard have given their opinion, so the channel advises us to dismiss them until the second round”.