Why did NAKA accuse Fico and Kaliňák? Rajecký will testify on them, Kočner’s Threem also helped! – Topky.sk

According to the accusations available to Topka, Robert Kaliňák and Robert Fico are indicted together with Tibor Gašpar and Norbert Bödör. According to the police, the leader of the Direction is at the top of the alleged criminal group. The prosecution of former high-ranking politicians follows the Purgatory case, which is known for featuring top police officers. According to the police, the criminal group, which was controlled by Fico and Kaliňák, was to serve to discredit their political opponents. Ex-President Andrej Kiska or the current Minister of Finance and Prime Minister Igor Matovič are mentioned in particular. A man from the mob lists, Kočner and Bödör’s friend Tomáš Rajecký, also spoke about all this. Photo gallery (4) Source: TASR / KR PZ in Bratislava In addition to Rajecký, Fud and Kaliňák were also testified by the well-known penitent Ľudovít Makó, but also by Bernard Slobodník. The police also questioned the former head of the financial administration, František Imrecze, and the former general director of the tax and customs section of the financial administration, Daniel Čech. The accusation also mentions media outlets by which Robert Fico questioned criminal prosecutions of, for example, Dušan Kováčik or other people close to him. Fico and Kaliňák’s lawyer David Lindtner also drew attention to them. However, the investigator mentions in the accusation that these findings “in no case have criminal liability and are not to blame”. Instructions from Fico and Kaliňák The accusation mentions that it was Robert Fico and Robert Kaliňák who were to give instructions to the alleged criminal group, which the police identified in the Purge case. The instructions were to include the discrediting of political opponents, such as former President Andrei Kiska and Igor Matovic. In his statement, Ľudovít Makó stated that Robert Fico “during his reign” abused his position to discredit various persons, especially those who could endanger him politically “. Makó said that he was approached by Norbert Bödör as the head of the Criminal Office of the Financial Administration. He claimed that Bödör had an influence on the occupation of important positions, which should have been directly from Fico and Kaliňák. The defenders of Robert Fico and Robert Kaliňák, David Lindtner Makó, testified that Norbert Bödőr and Tibor Gašpar had received a request to find out and clarify the facts concerning the reduction of taxes and insurance premiums, resp. other criminal offenses of Igor Matovič. It was supposed to be a political discrediting of Matovič before the elections in 2016, and according to them, they were to receive this request directly from the Smer party leadership. Rajecký and KTAG František Imrecze, Daniel Čech, but also Tomáš Rajecký also spoke about the discrediting of former President Andrej Kisk. It was Rajecký who was to send the details of Kisk’s tax case to the media from a fake e-mail address, including documents from the tax office. Rajecký testified that Norbert Bödör had brought them to him and told him that this “maid” would not be handled by the police. Photo gallery (4) Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel Documents for discrediting Kisk were to be provided by Ľudovít Makó and František Imrecze. In his statement, Imrecze also described the meeting, which was to take place directly in Robert Fico’s office. Ľudovít Makó and Robert Kaliňák were also to be present. Robert Kaliňák called him at the meeting and asked him to take Laja, Ľudovít Makó, at the meeting. The accused had a brief interview with Norbert Bödör during the meeting, during which he noted that the information on KTAG’s tax offense was already in the anonymous address of the yegortrutns (the exact wording does not remember) Kočner’s Threema In addition to new testimonies, investigators also come from the well-known Kočner’s Threema. it is clear from it that they are closed and work in a conspiratorial way community of people committing anti-social activities, “the resolution said. Marian Kočner is currently serving a 19-year sentence for a bill of exchange. He is also charged in the case of the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak. Photo gallery (4) Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar “Communication takes place in the context of facts, where the debaters talk about precise specific things, from which it is generally clear that the topic of conversation is clear, despite the codes and nicknames, communicating,” the resolution said. The resolution also contains several transcripts of communication between Norbert Bödör and Marian Kočner. The resolution further states that Robert Fico and Robert Kaliňák were to have unrestricted access to other members of the alleged criminal group and to have a decisive say in it. Kaliňák was detained at the cottage, Fica could not The National Criminal Agency detained Robert Kaliňák and Marek Paru on Wednesday morning. Kaliňák, according to police, was detained at his cottage. At his request, he was allowed to say goodbye to his family. Robert Fico is also accused, but they could not detain him, the National Council would have to agree. Robert Fico and Robert Kaliňák are represented by David Lidtner, Marek Paru is defended by Michal Mandzák. The two represented Marian Kočner. At the end of 2020, several former police officers were detained as part of the Purge action. Former Police President Tibor Gašpar, former NAKA chief Peter Hraško or former NAKA anti-corruption unit director Róbert Krajmer are no exception. Why did NAKA accuse Fico and Kaliňák? Rajecký will testify on them, Kočner’s Threem also helped!