Ukraine, Minister of Development: “Italy will help us to build modular cities and houses for displaced people”

“I would like to thank Italy and the Italian people for their help to Ukraine on the diplomatic, political and humanitarian fronts. In these difficult times we have understood who are the true friends available to come to the rescue in critical moments”. These are the words to the Adnkronos of Oleksiy Chernyshov, Minister for the Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine who, addressing Italy, states: “We ask the Italian government to participate in the country’s reconstruction program, contributing materially or financially to the realization of apartments for at least 10 thousand people and also the provision of modular citadels for displaced persons. One essential point must be understood: we have over 10 million emigrants. Four million have gone to the EU, the others move between regions in Ukraine. If the problem of housing will not be resolved quickly, 6 million Ukrainians will pour into the European Union. In my opinion the EU states should be strongly interested in supporting us in the construction and provision of housing for our people. I ask for this support from Italy and the Europe”. Read also The minister divides the front of requests from Italy into three blocks: “the first concerns political support, for which we ask for an embargo on petroleum products and the cessation of the activities of Italian companies in Russia. In addition to the indispensable support of the Italian government for our entry into the EU. For Ukraine, the European perspective and the support of its steps in this direction – Chernyshov remarks – are key “. Secondly, there is the issue of humanitarian aid, “which also includes the construction of homes for displaced people to be prepared both in the short and long term – he explains – We know Italy’s successful experience in this sector. Therefore we would appreciate very much his involvement, first of all in the short term with regard to prefabricated construction. We – he recalls – have already started a similar initiative with the Polish government and yesterday inaugurated with the Prime Minister of Poland the first prefabricated citadel that will house 350 people. grateful if the Italian government joins this construction program as well. ” Finally, the third block concerns “the Italian involvement in the reconstruction of Ukrainian cities. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine about 79 thousand buildings have been damaged or destroyed. Among these, 1180 educational institutions of various levels and 352 hospitals. In addition to 75 thousand homes. of civilians, both single-storey private houses and apartments in condominiums and skyscrapers. Not to mention the devastation of numerous historical buildings in Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Okhtyrka, Trpstyanets … And the war is still ongoing with the annihilation of infrastructures. , such as the thermal power plant in Chernihiv, which to date only works for 25% of its power or the water, severely damaged. I am well aware of Italy’s initiative to rebuild the theater in Mariupol – says the Minsitro all’Adnkronos – I propose not to stop at this. We rely heavily on aid for the reconstruction of cities “. (by Roberta Lanzara)