The war in Ukraine affected the judgment of Slovaks: Interesting results! How do we perceive Russia or the USA? – New time

Two thirds of Slovaks consider Russia a dangerous country. This follows from the survey How are you, Slovakia ?, initiated by the research company MNFORCE, the communication agency Seesame in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Social Communication Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The research took place in the period from March 31 to April 7, 2022. Michaela Lukovičová from the Seesame agency informed about it in a press release. According to Lukovičová, respondents to the question “In connection with the war between Russia and Ukraine, the geopolitical position of Slovakia is also being discussed in our public, how we should orient ourselves in the world” 38.9 percent of them answered that Slovakia should ” always “or” sooner “to stand on the side of the West (European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 45.7 percent of respondents were in favor of” striving for a balanced position between Russia and the West and 8.5 percent think Slovakia would ” always “or” sooner “should be on Russia’s side. The geopolitical orientation towards Russia is preferred by respondents who trust their media acquaintances more when informing about politics and by respondents who argue that reality is different from what the media suggests and that powerful secret groups move the world according to a secret scenario. Among the voters of the Kotlebovci – People’s Party, Our Slovakia, Direction – Social Democracy and the Republic parties, there are more supporters of geopolitical orientation towards Russia than at the West, with each of these parties having the most supporters of a balanced position between Russia and the West.