Elections France 2022, Gozi (Re): “Macron clear victory in comparison with Le Pen”

French President Emmanuel Macron reported a “clear victory” in last night’s televised confrontation with challenger Marine Le Pen, demonstrating that he has “a strong vision for France and Europe” and “is far more competent. “of the leader of the National Rassemblement. But now, from here to Sunday and beyond, if things go “well”, Macron will have to continue working on inclusiveness and being “listening” to the French, because the issue of inequalities in society “is an issue that remains”. To tell the Adnkronos is Sandro Gozi, MEP elected in France in the ranks of Macron’s party, in the Renew Europe (Liberals) group. In yesterday evening’s debate, Gozi continues, “the division between sovereign Europe, strong in digital and ecological matters by Macron and the nationalist closure of Marine Le Pen” also emerged. However, Le Pen appeared more ‘présidentiable’ than the confrontation five years ago, when he fell, as El Paìs recalls today, into the trap set by his opponent’s staff: they told some journalists off the record that Macron would get up and go he would go if Le Pen insulted him. Upon hearing the news, Le Pen and her staff changed their strategy: she launched into the attack, to make Macron leave and remain an empty chair. Macron, on the other hand, remained in his place, calm, while Le Pen attacked in vain, ending up appearing aggressive and unsuitable for the presidency. I expected more from Marine Le Pen – replies Gozi – compared to 2017 she remained calmer and less aggressive, but I expected much more competence and solidity. Her economic proposals, and above all ecological ones, have not withstood the impact of the debate and Also from this point of view I think he has lost the challenge. “According to many observers Macron, who is a 44-year-old former investment banker, has a big problem: his competence makes him appear arrogant, which provokes a reaction of rejection. This, Gozi admits, “was” a problem “at the beginning of his mandate. It is something that caused him various misunderstandings. He himself said that some of his sentences were decontextualized, misinterpreted and certainly did not help the his image and his relationship with the French “. But Macron “in these five years has changed a lot – he assures – also the fact that last night he did not show off his competence, but he used his skills to demonstrate the lack of credibility of Marine Le Pen is a sign in this sense” . “This – underlines Gozi – is in any case the work that must be done between now and Sunday and after, if things go well, because the theme of inequalities, social and territorial injustices remains. We need to give answers: even if things are in France go better than in other countries, it is a theme that remains. I think that will be Macron’s great challenge: to make himself understood better by the French who did not support him and to work on a new method “. We need, Gozi continues,” a new method social, dialogue with trade unions and associations. Be less vertical and much more horizontal, inclusive, listening and attentive to dialogue. And accompany the reforms with the work he did after the Yellow Vests crisis: go to the territory, explaining and listening “. For the MEP, “you need to continue with the post-crisis method of the Yellow Vests and show that you know the problems of the French well. Sometimes the fact of being a young president, because Macron is 44 years old and has already achieved everything, risks making him seem detached from everyday life “. “This – adds Gozi – is the work he will have to do. I think he has already started doing it also in this second round: the fact of having understood the message of young people, the message on ecology, of having become more sensitive to the issue of ecology, are all indications that he listened, understood and took positions that were not his at the beginning “, he concludes.