Energy: Engie announces that it is ready to do without Russian gas – Actu Orange

Orange with 6Medias, published on Thursday April 21, 2022 at 9:27 a.m. In an interview with Le Figaro, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, chairman of the board of directors of Engie, explains that the company “can do without Russian gas”. He points out that this represents only 20% of his supply. The war in Ukraine had direct consequences on the energy market in France. The question of the use of Russian gas agitates European countries. In France, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, chairman of the board of directors of Engie, claims to be able to compose without this source of energy, reports Le Figaro.
The leader assures that Engie “can do without Russian gas, which represents 20% of its supply”, he declares. To compensate for this lack, he estimates that Europe could “replace half of Russian gas”. The rest “would be amortized by shutdowns and reductions in consumption borne by the industrial sector”, explains Jean-Pierre Clamadieu. “Nothing obliges us to pay in rubles” The chairman of the board of directors of Engie also returned to Vladimir Putin’s announcements. The Russian president wants energy companies that buy from Gazprom to pay in roubles. If he explains that it “is not settled”, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu is firm. “Nothing obliges us to pay in rubles”, he recalls during his interview with Figaro. Regarding the future of the company, the manager announces that the objective is to confirm his “place among the European leaders of the sector and to be on an equal footing with Iberdrola and Enel”. Regarding the potential sale of EDF’s renewable activities, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu casts doubt. “We are in a situation where we can seize opportunities if they arise,” he said.