Mariupol, Russia claims city control: Azovstal steel mill assault canceled

Russia captured Mariupol. And in the southeastern port city of Ukraine, the situation is calm, civilians can return. This is the report provided by the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in a rare meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who – in front of public TV cameras – congratulates on the success of the operation and announces that he has canceled the assault on the Azovstal steel plant, where the last Ukrainian soldiers in the city are barricaded. The plant, added Putin, must in any case be besieged ” so that a fly cannot pass ”. This was reported by Interfax underlining that the Russian president reiterated that he will guarantee the safety of the Ukrainian military who surrender. According to Shoigu – who appears in civilian clothes unlike what happened in the past – Russia has evacuated more than 142,000 civilians from Mariupol, while 1,478 Ukrainian fighters have already surrendered. On the other hand, there are more than two thousand Ukrainian fighters still inside the Azovstal metallurgical plant. According to Moscow’s defense minister, Mariupol was freed by the Russian armed forces and the Donetsk people’s militias. today. “Today Azovstal will be completely under the control of the Russian armed forces,” the commander of the Chechen militias fighting in Ukraine said on Telegram, assuring that this will happen around the middle of the day. “The Ukrainian fighters remaining in the steel mills still have the opportunity to surrender in the morning hours, ”Kadyrov added, saying he was certain that if they did, the Russian leadership would make“ the right decision. ”On the Ukrainian side, there is talk of the presence of about a thousand civilian refugees on the spot.