War in Ukraine LIVE: Nine bodies of civilians found in Borodianka, some with “signs of … – 20 Minutes

8:35 a.m.: Nine bodies of civilians, including a teenage girl, found in Borodianka, with “signs of torture” “These people were killed by the (Russian) occupiers and some of the victims show signs of torture”, accused on Facebook the local police chief Andriï Nebytov after the discovery of the bodies of nine civilians. “In another, the security forces discovered the bodies of six people: four men and two women” who “could be identified as residents of the town”. “The Russian military knowingly killed civilians who did not offered them no resistance,” he lambasted, adding that the bodies of the victims had been “taken to morgues in the kyiv region to be appraised.” Borodianka was, according to kyiv, the scene of “massacres of civilians” during the month of March, when Russian forces occupied the city.