LIVE – Presidential: Macron and Le Pen expected in the North and in Seine-Saint-Denis the day after the debate – BFMTV

8:17 “Madame Le Pen depends on Russia” declares Gérald Darmanin “It is obvious that Madame Le Pen depends on Russia and I think it is important that the French know that she depends on a foreign power”, declares the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin on Europe 1 / CNews. “When you owe someone so much money admit that you are not free,” he said, pointing out that everyone had managed to get a loan in France, even Eric Zemmour.8:14″ In good shape: after a “disappointing” campaign, Darmanin welcomes the debateGérarld Darmanin returned to the debate between the two rounds this Wednesday between the two candidates. “It was an objectively interesting debate. We saw two visions of society, two visions of the world (…) It was a rather good debate (…) If the presidential campaign could have been disappointing, we saw two very different programs”, assures the minister of the Interior this morning on Europe 1-CNEWS.8:13 Last campaign meeting this Thursday for Marine Le Pen in Arras The candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen will hold her last campaign meeting this Thursday evening, three days before the second round against to Emmanuel Macron, in Arras, in Pas-de-Calais.8:08 “A Frexit in small pieces”: Clément Beaune denounces the euro project pétan de Marine Le PenClément Beaune attacked Marine Le Pen’s European program this morning, a few hours after the debate between the two rounds. and that she had cut her Frexit into small pieces”, accuses the Secretary of State for European Affairs this morning on Public Senate. 8:06 No “arrogance”, but “courtesy” on the part of Macron: Raffarin defends the attitude of the president-candidate during the debateThe former member of the Republicans, who had announced his support for Emmanuel Macron for the presidential election, Jean-Pierre Raffarin judged positively this Thursday on BFMTV the performance of the president-candidate during the debate of between-two-turns facing Marine Le Pen, refuting the accusations of “arrogance”. “I do not think there was arrogance, I think that on the contrary, there was a form of courtesy often where he explained that what (Marine Le Pen) had said was good (…). He was still one, courteous and two, attentive”, he estimated. 8:05 “An arrogant and condescending president”: Laurent Jacobelli tackles the performance of Emmanuel Macron Without much surprise, Laurent Jacobelli appreciated the performance of his candidate, Marine Le Pen, while severely judging that of his opponent. -spokesman for the RN campaign this morning on Public Sénat.7:54 “Spokesperson for all those who grumble, but not the French”: Raffarin severely judges Le Pen’s performance during the debateThe day after the debate between Macron and Le Pen, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former Prime Minister and supporter of Emmanuel Macron in the presidential election, gave his opinion on the debate between the two rounds on BFMTV this Thursday, considering that Emmanuel Macron had been “quite offensive” , while Marine Le Pen seemed to her to “miss dimension”. “She is the spokesperson for critics, for all those who grumble, but not for the French,” he said. “She has made a lot of progress on the technique of the debate, even if she still reads a lot (her sheets)”, he estimated. “It does not present a vision, it lacked dimension”, he added. “on the extension of the retirement age to 65 in the event of re-election, Edouard Philippe sends him a message.”We have to do it quickly. We have to do it at the start of the five-year term for a simple reason: more we delay this kind of reform, the more difficult it is”, judges the former Prime Minister this morning on RTL. 7:48 Debate: Edouard Philippe judges Marine Le Pen “not very convincing” Edouard Philippe praised the performance of the president while attacking the LR candidate.”I felt a president with the same energy as in 2017. I found Madame Le Pen more cautious, more embarrassed. I did not find him serene and complete solidity. I did not find him in his proposals on purchasing power exceptionally convincing”, argued the former Prime Minister this morning on RTL.7:47 Bruno Le Maire “did not see arrogance” but “determination” in Emmanuel MacronGuest of the 4 Truths on France 2, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire swept away from a with the back of the hand critics accusing Emmanuel Macron of an arrogant attitude during the debate between the two rounds on Wednesday. “I did not see arrogance, I saw conviction and determination”, he argued. “I have worked with him for five years. Relations with him are courteous, simple, direct. I never felt arrogance in him”, he concluded. 7:39 Macron considered more convincing during the debate by 61% of Mélenchon’s supporters, according to a poll. voters of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron have largely voted for their colt, the sympathizers of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, third man of the first round of the presidential election, have in majority, at 61%, been convinced by the outgoing president, according to an Elabe poll for BFMTV. 97% of candidate LaREM’s voters were seduced by the president and 85% of RN candidate’s voters liked Marine Le Pen’s performance during the debate. world of arrogance”: the far-right criticizes the attitude of Emmanuel Macron during the debate The day after the debate between the two rounds, the attitude of the president-candidate, deemed “arrogant “, stands out as the point most widely singled out by the far right. Jordan Bardella, president of the RN, estimated that the president had “no project, apart from retirement at 65 and an additional five-year term of contempt and arrogance”, while Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate eliminated in the first round and who had called for a vote for Marine Le Pen in the second round, called Emmanuel Macron “world champion of arrogance”. 7:10 Macron wanted “to forget that it was he who had a record” to defend: Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for Le Pen , criticizes the performance of the president-candidate during the debateLaurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally, considered that Emmanuel Macron had been “condescending” and “arrogant” during the debate, showing great “bad faith”. He felt that the candidate LaREM had mainly attacked Marine Le Pen on his record “making people forget that it was he who had a record”. “Attacking Marine Le Pen on his program was also an opportunity for him to hide the fact that he had none, I believe the only measure roughly conc Rete that he was able to state yesterday, it’s retirement at 65,” he said. 6:57 “Marine Le Pen is ready and capable”: RN spokesman Laurent Jacobelli defends his candidateAu day after the debate between Macron and Le Pen, Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen defended his candidate, refusing the idea that she had been “put in difficulty” by his opponent. Emphasizing Emmanuel Macron’s “bad faith”, “nonchalance”, and “arrogance”, the RN spokesperson said that Marine Le Pen had shown herself “dignified, calm and resolute” during the debate. “Marine Le Pen is ready and able”, he estimated. 6:51 Macron more “presidential”, Le Pen more able to embody “change” The outgoing president was deemed more convincing by 59% of viewers, according to an Elabe poll for BFMTV. In detail, Emmanuel Macron seemed more likely to embody “presidentiality”, while Marine Le Pen is considered to be the one who can best embody “change”, by viewers, according to Bernard Sananès, president of the Elabe polling institute. 6:44 “We have just lost three hours”: the left denounces a debate dominated by the boredom Unsurprisingly, the debate between two rounds between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron did not convince on the left, especially among the Insoumis who denounced an exchange dominated by boredom. Adrien Quatennens, deputy “La France Insoumise ” from the North, denounced a debate where “we have just lost three hours”, while the representative of Yannick Jadot during the presidential campaign very quickly affirmed “to start to tire”. 6:29 Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National rally, guest of BFMTV at 6:40 Laurent Jacobelli, door- speech of the National Rally, will be the guest of BFMTV from 6:40 a.m., the day after the debate between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. 6:26 Macron “more offensive”, Le Pen rather “passive”: the opinion of editorial writers on the debateWho emerges as the winner of the debate between the two rounds? For our political columnist Philippe Corbé, the exchange, a few days before the second round of the presidential election, offered Emmanuel Macron a “fairly clear advantage”, without being a “crushing victory”. Emmanuel Macron showed himself ” more offensive” than its rival who appeared rather “passive”, while scoring “a few points”. , the two presidential finalists Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will mobilize their troops this Thursday and try to convince the undecided for the penultimate day of the campaign. Without waiting for the fallout from their televised duel of nearly three hours, the two rivals chose to go to popular regions – Seine-Saint-Denis and Hauts-de-France – to better respond to the number one concern of the French, purchasing power, particularly hit by the repercussions of the war in Ukraine on the prices of e energy and food. 5:49 Macron’s pout, Le Pen’s tweet… How Internet users have hijacked the debate contenders for the Elysée to compare their program, it was also an opportunity for the most creative to draw their best diversions. “Two memes already, we’re on a good vintage”, tweeted a user, just minutes after the face-to-face start. The reactions, attitudes and replies of the two candidates have, in fact, constituted many “memes” on social networks, such as the pout made by the outgoing president at the start of the debate.>> All the diversions of Internet users can be found here .5:32Unemployment, climate, veil… The debate between Macron and Le Pen summarized in 7 strong sequencesWhat happened to the return match between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, five years after their first debate between the two rounds presidential? Purchasing power, war in Ukraine, environment… For a little less than three hours, the outgoing president and the candidate of the National Rally confronted their project for France.>> Find the summary of this face-to-face face in seven strong sequences.5:27 “Everything opposes them!”: the press returns to the debate between Macron and Le PenWhat lessons can be drawn from the debate between the two rounds of the presidential election between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen? For the majority of the national and regional daily press, the outgoing president is the winner of this verbal contest. “Avantage Macron” headlines Sud-Ouest, while Liberation believes that Marine Le Pen is “still not level.”>> The other headlines of the day can be found in our article. Outgoing President Emmanuel Macron was deemed much more convincing than Marine Le Pen at the end of the debate between the two rounds: 59% of viewers named him the winner of the game, against 39% for the candidate of extreme right, according to our survey conducted by Elabe for BFMTV and L’Express with our partner SFR.>> All the details of the survey can be found here. of the debate between two rounds between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron.