Ukraine-Russia, news today in real time: news last hour 21 April

New bombings were reported in various areas of Ukraine during the night. President Zelensky: “Allied countries understand our needs on weapons better”. Here is today’s news: 7.44 am – “This is the historic moment in which we can give maximum speed to accelerate our entry into the European Union”. This was declared by the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, in a speech with which he addressed his compatriots last night. “We have shown that the Ukrainian state and public institutions are effective enough to withstand even the test of war,” he said. “We are already doing more to protect freedom on the European continent than other nations have ever done. And I see from part of all our friends in the European Union is the desire to promote our path as much as possible. ”The Guardian reports it. 7.30 am – After days of persistent pressure, the allied countries of Ukraine seem to understand better the requests of Kiev in terms of heavier weapons. This was declared by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in a speech in which he addressed his compatriots yesterday evening. “I am very pleased to say, albeit with cautious optimism, that our partners have started to better understand our needs. Understanding exactly what we need. And when exactly do we need all of this, “he declared.” Not within a few weeks, not within a month, but immediately. Right now, while Russia is trying to escalate its attacks. ” Zelensky then defined the situation in the east and south of the country as “extremely serious”. 7.20 HOURS – New bombings were reported in various areas of Ukraine during the night. In Kharkiv, in the east of the country, two skyscrapers in the north-eastern district of Saltivka and several parked cars caught fire after the explosions. In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the cities of Zelenodolsk and Welyka Kostromka were the subject of heavy attacks, the head of the local military administration, Olexander Wilkul, announced on Facebook in the early hours of today. no information on targets or damage. There is a thermal plant in the area. 7.10 hours – Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov announces that the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol will be under Russian control by today. “Today Azovstal will be completely under the control of the Russian armed forces,” the commander of the Chechen militias fighting in Ukraine said on Telegram, assuring that this will happen around the middle of the day. “The Ukrainian fighters remaining in the steel mills still have the opportunity to surrender in the morning hours, ”Kadyrov added, saying he was certain that if they did, the Russian leadership would make“ the right decision. ”According to Russian information, about 2,500 Ukrainian fighters and foreign mercenaries are still in Azovstal factories. the presence of about a thousand civilian refugees on the spot.