Legislative: Jean-Luc Mélenchon, master of alliances on the left

DecryptionArticle reserved for subscribersLegislative elections 2022dossierWith his good score in the presidential election, the leader of La France insoumis offers other leftist parties, including the socialists, agreements for the legislative elections, under the banner of the People’s Union. On his terms. Jean-Luc Mélenchon: the return. He appeared on television on Tuesday evening with his gray jacket like his hair. The failure of the presidential election will not disappear overnight. The second round was near. The deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône repeated once again that no vote “should go” to Marine Le Pen. He addressed his voters: “Do not abstain, remain actors in your history.” But he also showed up on BFMTV to talk about the future. Jean-Luc Mélenchon applies to Matignon. He dreams of winning the majority to apply his program – it matters little to him who will be the tenant of the Elysée. It is “secondary”, he says even if he does not put on the same level Emmanuel Macron (“the contempt of class”) and Marine Le Pen (“the contempt of race”). The bet of this “third round” in the legislative elections promises to be harshly complicated, but the “fight continues” by opening the door to other leftist forces. How does he want to unite around his Popular Union? Decryption. What is the difference between the strategy of La France insoumise in 2017 and that of 2022? We remember the sentence of Jean-Christophe Cambadélis during the …