Police chief accusing Fico and Kaliňák / We have been planning the event for several months, we will ask the parliament for Fico’s extradition

We have been planning the event for several months, we will ask the parliament for Fico’s extradition. “We will see if it can be completed, whether the NAKA’s evidence will be sufficient to bring Fica and the other defendants to justice,” said Police Chief Stefan Hamran. During the discussion, Marek Vagovič’s Evening at Luna Bara in Bratislava, he said that the Twilight event, during which they detained former Minister of the Interior Robert Kaliňák and also accused the head of Smer Robert Fico of founding and planning a criminal group, was planned several months and the approximate date . The police chief did not want to comment on the testimony and evidence on which the NAKA accusation is based. However, according to him, the evidentiary situation is so strong that investigators can also accuse the three-time prime minister. He rejected allegations that he would interfere in the investigation. According to him, it is not excluded that the circle of accused will continue to expand and that detention will continue. The police are said to be working on several “fronts”. He also said that there were eight accused persons in the case, four of whom have already been detained and that there are about six witnesses in the proceedings. Read also NAKA detained Kaliňák Together with Fico, the accused of founding and plotting the criminal group of the Chief of the Direction were not detained by the police because he is a member of parliament and the consent of the parliament is required. They are also counting on the use of paragraph 363 On the margin of why Robert Fico and Robert Kaliňák accused NAKA, Hamran has only now said that it is up to the investigator to admit that it is the right time to bring charges. “We never make decisions under the pressure of the media, as was the custom here,” he added, adding that his colleagues had worked for a long time and gathered evidence. Hamran also confirmed that the police will ask the National Council of the Slovak Republic to extradite Robert Fico. “The police will act in a lawful manner. When the reasons for detention are, although the procedure is more complicated, we look at him (Robert Fico, ed. Note) as an ordinary mortal, “he said. According to him, investigators should not sweep the accusations under the rug just because he is a politically exposed person, so as not to make politicians martyrs. “I believe that charges need to be brought and that the prosecutor’s office and the courts should deal with this. They are here for that, “he said, although he also counts on the use of paragraph 363 by the General Prosecutor’s Office. “We are prepared for this to happen, but the police force must act as required by law. We will not solve the fact that there will be a prosecutor who will throw it off the table in a simple way. ” this is what the police, the prosecutor’s office, lawyers or the public think about. Read also Fico responds to accusation Everything was organized on the orders and with the consent of government political leaders Fico insulted the accusation and considers it a “desperate political theater” of Matovic, Heger and Caputova. “They want to cut us down and shut us down because they can’t fight us.” According to Hamran, NAKA will play a battle for the character of the state. “I have a feeling that they have an extreme desire to work and set out to cleanse society of those who have been looting our public finances here for years,” he said during a discussion during Marek Vagovič’s Evening at Luna Bar in Bratislava. He claims that they have new talents among the investigators. According to him, NAKA will wage a relentless battle for the character of the state, although the era of Tibor Gašpar and Milan Lučanský has already ended in the police force. He also said that he urgently needed to clean up the National Criminal Agency from those who did not belong there and embezzled the police profession. According to him, the results can also be seen at this event, about which information did not escape prematurely either in the political environment or among the accused or journalists. “We also caught journalists, which makes me very happy,” he added, adding that this should be the case and professional police officers should not feel the need to release information to the media. He prepares his parents that he may be imprisoned after the change of government. Štefan Hamran does not feel intimidated or upset by the words of the opposition leader Robert Fico. He said of the possible change of the set after the elections in 2024 and the return of Smer to the government: I am preparing my mother and father for this to happen. We have seen already fabricated cases where they have prosecuted innocent people. According to Hamran, now is the right time to break the situation in favor of a democratic society and start building the rule of law. According to him, things are finally starting to move in the direction they should be. “If we have time, I am convinced that we will clean up the company,” he added, adding that the police were almost cleansed. However, this does not apply to the prosecutor’s office. In addition to Police President Štefan Hamran, the prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office Ján Šanta also took part in the discussion of Marek Vagovič, according to which the prosecutor’s office is “definitely not cleansed.” he said it was a “great advantage” for the work of the special prosecutor’s office. “I perceive that anyone who objects to us only confirms our objectivity.” Šanta considered Žilinka to be one of his five closest people in the prosecutor’s office, but he disappointed him humanly.