Côte d’Ivoire: appointment of a new “tightened” government of 32 members

Published on: 04/20/2022 – 22:51 A new government was appointed on Wednesday in Côte d’Ivoire a few hours after the swearing in of the new vice-president, Tiemoko Meyliet Koné. If the main ministers have been reappointed to their posts, President Alassane Ouattara had wanted Prime Minister Patrick Achi to form a “tightened” team to reduce public spending. A new “tightened” government was appointed on Wednesday, April 20, in Côte d’Ivoire. The main ministers were kept on, shortly after the swearing in of new vice-president Tiemoko Meyliet Koné to a post that had been vacant for almost two years. The main change in the new government team is the reduction in the number of ministers, 32 including 7 women, against 41 in the previous one. President Alassane Ouattara had wanted Prime Minister Patrick Achi, reappointed on Tuesday after having resigned last week with the The whole government is forming a “tightened” team to “take into account the global economic situation” and thus reduce “state spending”. Kandia Camara, a close friend of the president and pillar of the ruling party, retains her post Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, according to the decree read by the secretary general of the presidency Abdourahmane Cissé. Minister of State. Third Minister of State in protocol order, Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani, remains in Agriculture. General Vagondo Diomandé, another faithful of the Head of State, is returned to the Interior. The Minister of National Reconciliation, Kouadio Konan Bertin, targeted by an investigation after accusations of rape last September, is maintained in his post .Two new personalities are joining Patrick Achi’s new team, including Françoise Remarck, boss of Canal+ Côte d’Ivoire, appointed to Culture. The succession of Alassane Ouattara in question Earlier in the day, Vice President Tiemoko Meyliet Koné was sworn in after being appointed the day before by President Ouattara. “I solemnly swear and on my honor to respect the Constitution, to conscientiously fulfill the duties of my office, in strict compliance with its obligations and with loyalty to the President of the Republic”, declared Tiemoko Meyliet Koné. “May the President of the Republic withdraw his confidence in me if I betray this oath,” he added to the members of the Constitutional Council who had come to the presidential palace in Abidjan for the occasion. Little known to the general public, this economist had a long career with the Central Bank of West African States, of which he had been Governor since 2011. He was also Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Guillaume Soro between 2007 and 2010, Minister of Construction , then special adviser to the President of the Republic Alassane Ouattara, in charge of economic and monetary issues. personal”. According to article 62 of the Constitution, the vice-president becomes president “by right” in the event of vacancy “by death, resignation or absolute impediment” of the latter. “Article 62 makes the vice-president in the event of a vacancy of power, not an interim, but by right a president of the Republic responsible for continuing and completing the current mandate”, recalled Wednesday the president of the Constitutional Council , Mamadou Koné. 2025.With AFP