In the case of a dead newborn, the police have started a prosecution – Startitup

Yesterday, Slovakia was shaken by a case in which a poor newborn was found in the Rescue Nest. TV Joj informed about the case, stating that the case took place in Kramáry in Bratislava. The newborn boy was supposed to lie in the incubator for several days. In the rescue nest in our capital, the signaling was not working. The boy therefore had to lie in the incubator for several days without anyone noticing. TV JOJ states that several sources have confirmed their information. The boy was found in an incubator this morning during a check-up. Shortly after the newborn’s body was discovered, criminal police investigators, a coroner and a forensic technician arrived. A spokeswoman for the National Institute of Pediatric Diseases, Dana Kamenická, confirmed that they had actually found a baby rescue in the Nest Nest incubator. He showed no signs of life. He alleges that they immediately contacted the police, with whom they are handling the case. “From a human point of view, we are all very sorry for this tragedy that has happened and that is why we are fully cooperating with the police,” she said. source: TASR / Erika Ďurčová The Police of the Slovak Republic on the social network also informed about the case today. “In connection with the publicized case of finding the body of a newborn without signs of life, which was found in the rescue nest incubator last day, a criminal prosecution was launched in the hospital building on Limbova Street for the crime of killing,” police said in a statement. The case is being resolved by the police officers of the District Directorate of the Bratislava III Regional Police, who are currently performing all necessary procedural acts, the aim of which is to properly clarify this tragic event. As this is a very sensitive case, the police will not provide further details yet. TRAGEDY IN THE NEST OF RESCUE: POLICE ACTING FROM FIRST MOMENT in connection with a publicized case of finding a body… Posted by Police of the Slovak Republic on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Is the hospital to blame? A passionate discussion immediately broke out under the police contribution. Almost all commentators agreed that someone should be held accountable for this act. Many blame him on the hospital. They think the rescue staff should have checked the Rescue Nest regularly, regardless of whether the alarm worked or not. The Slovaks also hope that the investigation into this case will be completed and not swept under the rug. Some commentators try to alleviate the situation by saying that it is not clear whether the newborn was already placed in the incubator. However, other commentators respond to this, referring to the visiting doctor, who stated that the child had died in the incubator. “There have been some more advanced changes. The others will be determined at the court autopsy. No signs of violence were visible from the external inspection, “coroner Martin Balko told TV Joj. Thank you for reading Startitup. If you have a perception or found an error in the article, write to us at [email protected]. Sources: Facebook / Police SR, TV JOJ