According to the Pentagon, Ukraine received the planes, Kiev denies it. There is also speculation about delivery from Slovakia –

The United States has announced that Ukraine has received fighter jets from the Allies. Defense Department spokesman John Kirby did not want to reveal the countries from which the planes came. There is speculation that it could be Poland, Slovakia or Bulgaria. The Ukrainian Air Force headquarters denied the delivery of aircraft. The Ukrainian forces’ spare parts and components “now have more aircraft at their disposal than they had two weeks before,” a Pentagon spokesman said. “They have acquired additional platforms and parts to expand the breadth of their air force,” he added, refusing to specify which states should have been involved in the delivery. He indicated that the planes are Russian-made and should therefore be the states that are familiar with them, which are usually the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. “Other nations that have experience with this type of aircraft have been able to help them get them up and running,” Kirby said. This article is for subscribers only.
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