Sarmat, the Russian missile with the longest range in the world

It has the longest range in the world and the Sarmat ICBM tested today by the Russian Armed Forces can also carry hypersonic warheads weighing up to 10 tons. Its uniqueness was also underlined by President Vladimir Putin, according to whom Sarmat “has no analogues in the world”. This weapon, according to what Putin quoted by TASS, “reliably guarantees the security of Russia” and “will make those who, in the fervor of a frenetic aggressive rhetoric, are trying to threaten it”. The Russian president also called the launch “a great and significant event for the development of promising weapons for the Russian military”. Read also Putin also explained that “only Russian units, components and parts” were used for the manufacture of the Sarmat. Tass reported that the test was carried out at 3.12pm Moscow time from a silo at the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region. The launch objectives have been “fully achieved” and the rocket’s design characteristics have been “confirmed at all stages of its flight,” added Tass. Citing sources from the military-industrial complex, the agency recalled that the launch of Sarmat had been postponed several times.