Nicaraguan National Assembly cancels another 25 civil society organizations

This is how the war in Ukraine affected the sanctions on Nicaragua 2:31 (CNN Spanish) — The Permanent Commission on Human Rights (CPDH), which documented hundreds of complaints of human rights violations in the context of the 2018 anti-government protests, It was closed by means of a legislative decree approved this Wednesday in the National Assembly of Nicaragua. The decree, proposed by the party of the ruling Sandinista National Liberation Front, received the favorable vote of 75 deputies, with the abstention of 15 deputies that the opposition considers related to the government, in addition to another deputy present. Through the initiative, 24 other civil organizations are also canceled, including the Coordinating Federation of Children’s Organizations, which in turn grouped dozens of civil entities. The cancellation of the organizations was approved on the grounds that the entities have allegedly failed to comply with laws that regulate non-profit civil organizations, such as not registering as a foreign agent; not reporting donations from foreign cooperation and their beneficiaries; not presenting their financial statements and not providing information on the updating of their boards of directors. The CPDH expressed this Monday, through its Facebook account, that on Tuesday that organization celebrated 45 years of permanent struggle for human rights in the country: “We will continue fighting, accompanying the victims and their families in their demand for truth, justice , reparation and non-repetition, in the face of the human rights violations that have occurred in Nicaragua from April 2018 to date, and those that continue to occur.” Regarding the causes of closure, Marcos Carmona, executive secretary of the CPDH, expressed in a virtual conference that the entity had left evidence in many before the Ministry of the Interior of the presentation of its audited financials, and that they had found that there was no part of the authorities “willingness to receive these reports”. Carmona assured that the Commission has been transparent in the management of resources as well as “responsible regarding the funds that we have received from different donors, we have reported them with their respective income.” Previously, the National Assembly has closed down with the same argument more than a hundred civil organizations, some of which have rejected the accusations and clarify that the Ministry of the Interior, a state entity that regulates NGOs, does not receive the documentation for -supposedly – force closing.