CURRENT GREAT COVID MEASURES! DETAILS The obligation to wear respirators is abolished, the change is also quarantined –

Prior to the government meeting, the Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský announced very briefly that the obligation to wear respirators would be abolished from tomorrow. VIDEO Minister Lengvarský and Chief Hygienist Ján Mikas informed about the details Rules for respirators and quarantine are being relaxed Respirators will be mandatory only on social services homes and hospitals from Thursday (April 21). Mandatory quarantine is also abolished after contact with a positive person. The Minister of Health informed about it after Wednesday’s government meeting. Photo gallery (7) Photo gallery (7) “Respirators will be mandatory only in social care facilities, for visitors and staff in contact with the patient. It will be in the same regime in hospitals and other medical facilities,” the minister said. Several exceptions will apply. Photo gallery (7) The obligation to wear a respirator is thus also abolished in theaters or public transport. In this context, the Chief Hygienist of the Slovak Republic, Ján Mikas, reminded that wearing a respirator is important despite the relaxation of measures, because such areas can continue to pose a risk to many people. Persons who have been in contact with a positive person will no longer be required to undergo quarantine. However, the obligation to enter the quarantine for a person after close contact can be decided by a doctor. Photo gallery (7) “For example, if this contact could endanger an immunodeficient person or the like,” said the chief hygienist of the Slovak Republic Ján Mikas. In the case of isolation of a person after a positive test result, no changes occur. She remains obliged to insulate for five days, and the obligation to wear a respirator also applies five days after the end of isolation. If the patient’s symptoms of COVID-19 persist after five days of isolation, the physician decides to terminate the isolation. Photo gallery (7) The obligation to wear respirators is canceled from tomorrow The obligation to wear respirators is canceled. “Since tomorrow,” Lengvarsky said briefly. Under what conditions and where they will be canceled everywhere, the Minister of Health will announce this after today’s government meeting. The world releases, WHO still weighs The World Health Organization (WHO) Crisis Committee unanimously decided on Wednesday that the time has not yet come to reduce vigilance against COVID-19. Committee member Didier Houssin said the decision was “unanimous”. He said the coronavirus pandemic was still a public health emergency of international concern. At the end of March, the WHO called the large-scale release drastic, as it is still on the rise in some countries. We will not hear about the end of the pandemic yet. Archive VIDEO COVID has not disappeared, it is still here: We must be vigilant, another option may be more deadly WHO Director General Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus last week praised the work of the crisis committee and agreed with the decision. “This is a time when we need to work even harder to save lives,” said Tedros, whose remarks were made by the WHO on its official website. According to him, this means investing in tools to combat COVID-19 evenly distributed and health systems strengthened. The head of the WHO recalled that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has become more contagious over time and remains deadly, especially for unprotected and unvaccinated people who do not have access to health care and antivirals. “The best way to protect yourself is to be vaccinated and given a booster dose if they are recommended,” Tedros said. He also stressed the wearing of veils, regular ventilation and other measures. The state joint-stock company Slovakia IT is to receive one million euros to create a capital fund as a financial reserve, usable in case of problems with covering current expenses. The allocation is to be approved by the government at Wednesday’s meeting. The creation of a capital fund with an additional contribution for Slovakia IT is explained by the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic (the company’s shareholder) by the pressure created in the first years of such a company’s existence on resources covering current expenses. According to MIRRI, the capital fund should therefore serve as a reserve in the event of unexpected situations, such as an unfulfilled return plan. At its 76th meeting, the Cabinet will also address the first action plan of the approved National Strategy for Lifelong Learning and Counseling. In the next three years, according to the material, 45 of the 51 measures set out in the strategic material for 2030 should be developed. The conceptual steps in the lifelong learning strategy should respond in particular to the dynamically changing labor market in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. Among the informative materials, the ministers also discuss the report on the criminal activity of members of the police, the Prison and Judicial Guard Corps (ZVJS) and the Financial Administration (FS) for 2021. According to the submitted material, the Office of the Inspection Service (ÚIS) accused 90 police officers, ten ZVJS members and 19 FS members. CURRENT GREAT COVID MEASURES! DETAILS The obligation to wear respirators is abolished, the change also during quarantine