EXTRAORDINARY The police clarified what it was like to arrest Kaliňák: Did they disturb him while relaxing on the fish? – Topky.sk

Updated 17:23 Kaliňák’s representative David Lindtner, after questioning Kaliňák, stated unequivocally that they had filed a complaint and an objection of bias. Updated 17:06 Due to the great media coverage of the case, the police authorities explained in detail the circumstances under which Kaliňák was detained. “The accused was detained on 20.04.2022 before entering the land of his cottage in which he was previously, after the investigator had contacted him by telephone. (..) After the arrest, the accused was allowed, at his request, to say goodbye to the family members. It is certain that Kaliňák owns at least one cottage. Two years ago, we discovered how, after leaving politics, he enjoyed relaxing with a fish in a cottage in the village of Bodíky at the arm of the Danube. It is very probable that this detention took place in this cottage. Photo gallery (13) Source: Ján Zemiar, Photo gallery (13) Source: Ján Zemiar, Updated 16:56 The police act exclusively according to the law, not according to the whims of politicians. In connection with the accusations of the head of Smer-SD Robert Fico and the former Minister of the Interior Robert Kaliňák, the Minister of the Interior Roman Mikulec (OĽaNO) stated this on the social network. “Politicians must not think they are superhumans, they must not be sure of their inviolability, and finally, they must know that we are all equal before the law,” he said. If anyone thinks that any member of the government is coming up with ideas on how to accuse someone, they are wrong, according to Mikulc. Photo gallery (13) Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel Updated 15:48 OĽaNO leader and Finance Minister Igor Matovič thinks that only unscrupulous investigators can restore confidence in the rule of law. According to the testimonies of many members of their mafia, Fico and Kaliňák grossly abused the police force for criminalization … Posted by Igor Matovic on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Updated 15:30 The President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová respects the procedure of bodies active in criminal proceedings (OČTK). She stated this in connection with the accusations of the former prime minister and head of Smer-SD, Robert Fico, and the former interior minister, Robert Kaliňák. She emphasized the need to wait for further procedural steps. According to her, it is not appropriate to comment politically on such processes. “I respect that it is a procedure of law enforcement authorities. We are all equal before the law. The only thing I can say about this is that it is necessary to wait for further procedural actions by investigators and the prosecutor’s office,” Čaputová told reporters. who is on an official visit to Italy. Photo gallery (13) Source: TASR – Jakub Kotian Updated 13:41 After a few hours, the chairman Fico himself commented on the accusation on the social network. He himself says that he has been politically accused for the fourth time. “Not because I am suspected of corruption or other economic crime. But because I am doing my job as an opposition politician. It is pure political revenge,” Fico said of today’s allegations. “This desperate political theater of Matovič, Heger and Čaputová will not stop us in Smere or me personally in political opposition work. We will say more at the press conference today,” Fico said through a video. Updated 12:35 David Lidntner is a former judge who will represent Kaliňák and Fica in this case. Lidntner described the detention of former Minister Kaliňák in great detail. Kaliňák was supposed to be fishing with his sons and his wife outside Bratislava. “The boys watched their dad take it, it’s a kind of political revenge,” said lawyer Lidntner, who added that these events ‘bring us back 50 years ago’. Photo Gallery (13) Attorney David Lindtner
Source: TASR – Michal Svítok Lawyer Marek Paru will be legally represented by Michal Mandzák. “I understand the accusation against my colleague Marek Par as a gross interference with the act of the right to a defense,” Mandzák told reporters. Photo gallery (13) Michal Mandzák
Source: TASR – Michal Svítok Updated 12:28 According to the daily SME, the accusation is related to the collection of compromise materials for Igor Matovič, Andrej Kisk, but also prosecutor Vasil Špirek. It also incorporates communication via the Threema platform with Marian Kočner, where he wrote with Bödör and Fica was repeatedly called the “boss”. Fica’s accusation is based on allegedly protecting this group of Bödörovs even after several of them ended up in custody. Updated 11:37 According to Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽANO), the decision of the law enforcement authorities in the matter of the accusation of Robert Kaliňák, Robert Fico and co. Is their autonomous decision. “I believe it is supported by evidence,” the prime minister said modestly. Updated 11:29 At this time, the vice-chairman of Smer-SD and deputy Ľuboš Blaha moved to the party’s headquarters on Súmračná Street and only briefed the press with a smile on his face that there would be a press conference on the subject at 2:00 p.m. Updated 11:24 The Kandelária NR SR also answered the current questions. “The office of the National Council of the Slovak Republic does not currently record any delivery of a request for extradition to prosecute MP Robert Fico,” Kollára spokeswoman Michaela Jurcová informed us. Photo gallery (13) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel The situation is similar in the case of the Mandate and Immunity Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. The chairwoman Anna Andrejuvová (OĽaNO) informed us again. “Nothing has been received by the Mandate and Immunity Committee on media coverage of Robert Fico’s allegations,” the statement said. Updated 11:18 In front of the headquarters of Smer on Súmračná street, it looks calm at the moment. Photo gallery (13) Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar Updated 10:38 The case and detention of the mentioned persons has already been confirmed by the police on the social network. “Today, the National Criminal Agency carries out several actions in the territory of the Slovak Republic, within which several persons have been charged, including the persons of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Justice and the Russian Federation,” the police authorities write. Updated 10:33 In addition to Robert Kaliňák, NAKA members were to detain lawyer Marek Paru, who also represents Norbert Bödör, today. Photo gallery (13) Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel Accusation of founding and conceiving a criminal group Information comes from Denník N. NAKA today, according to their sources, detained Robert Kaliňák as a former head of the Ministry of the Interior. He and the chairman of Smer-SD, Robert Fico, were to be accused of setting up and plotting a criminal group. Photo gallery (13) Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar While Kaliňák was to be physically detained, it did not happen at Fico. This action requires the consent of the National Council, where Fico acts as a member of parliament. They are also to be charged with the crime of endangering tax secrecy. The whole case is supposed to be related to the Purgatory case. At the end of 2020, several former police officers were detained as part of the Purge action. Former Police President Tibor Gašpar, former NAKA chief Peter Hraško or former NAKA anti-corruption unit director Róbert Krajmer are no exception.