The poor Lučanský insured himself: Before his death, he copied and hid the communication with Minister Mikulec – Pluska

today 8:00 NAKA has been holding Milan Lučanský’s phone in a drawer for two years and four months. The investigator seized the police ex-president’s mobile phone after his arrest on December 3, 2020. Although Lučanský died about three weeks later and his prosecution ended automatically, the family is still waiting in vain for some of his personal belongings to be returned. Why NAKA does not want to give up on Lučanský’s mobile phone? He made a copy. If its authenticity was confirmed, Roman Mikulec would not remain in the position of minister. According to this communication, he learned about the course of the investigation of sensitive cases and had a police file brought to him. In the case of debates between former police president Milan Lučanský and interior minister Roman Mikulec through the WhatsApp application, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that one of the actors is dead. Therefore, we have long considered in the editorial office whether to deal with the alleged communication between the two actors. On the other hand, it cannot be overlooked that Lučanský apparently attached important importance to this communication. Why else would he make a copy of her just before his arrest and send her to a man he trusted ?! In PLUS 7 DAYS, we therefore decided to provide the information obtained to the public. Lučanský died at the institution of custody, shortly before that he had a seriously injured head. Source: archive In constant contact, the Minister of the Interior Mikulec confirmed that he had also communicated with Lučanský in the position of police president via a mobile application. According to the records we obtained, they were in almost constant contact via WhatsApp. On a daily basis, they mainly solved the problems with the first wave of covids – crossing borders, quarantine centers, requests from deputies for exemptions from anti-anti-crime measures, the tense situation in Roma settlements. They also talked about why they had taken away the driver from Lučanský or which of them gave what statement to the media. On June 11, they took over the tragedy at the school in Vrútky, where they were both heading. Lučanský sent the minister the address of the tragedy, Mikulec checked whether two and five wounded were dead. At 12.50 Mikulec reported that he had just arrived by air: “We sat down. On the playground a short distance from the school. ”In the early evening, Lučanský announced:“ The children are at the JIS and the others at the ARO after the operation, both out of life threatening. ” The Minister of the Interior of the Slovak Republic Roman Mikulec (OĽaNO) confirmed that he communicated with Lučanský via WhatsApp. Source: Jaroslav Novák Hot penitent Not an insignificant part of the communication concerned hot cases. On the twenty-eighth of April, Mikulec wrote: “Hello! I received info that a file on NAKA Wednesday for blackmail is open on Maka, from which he is to be suspicious together with others from KUFS. Is that so? Can I get information about the condition? ”Universal penitent Ľudovít Makó testifies in dozens of cases. Source: Jakub Kotian Former head of the Criminal Financial Administration Office (KUFS) Ľudovít Makó apparently did not let Minister Mikulec sleep. On June 9, he sent Lučanský a link to an article from Aktualít entitled Shift in the case of the Slovak Texas: taxpayers are solving damage for 2.8 million euros, which was published in 2018. Makó is involved in this case, so Lučanský asked Lučanský: this? I would like to know how this is being investigated. And whether the investigation also took into account the fact that Makó knows Böhm. “The next day, Lučanský explained to him that two things were being brought against Jopi Trade: “The investigation is nearing completion and a $ 25 million tax cut is being prosecuted.” He did not say a word about Mako. Mikulca was not satisfied with such an answer, he again asked about the “solution” of the relationship between Makó and Böhm. Mikulec confirmed the interest. From the position of the minister and the related political responsibility, one may ask, for example, why the investigation takes a long time. But he has no right to ask what the evidentiary situation is, which witnesses what he is saying. The question whether the relationship between person A and person B (in this case Makó and Böhm) was taken into account in the investigation is therefore completely outside and, moreover, this question can be interpreted as a minister’s guideline that Makó’s relationship with Böhm should have been “taken into account” by the investigator. Criminal law expert Jaroslav Ivor. Source: archive We asked Minister Mikulec if he really pulled this information from Lučanský. From the ministry’s press department, they explained to us that at that time, the journalists were asking about many cases under investigation, pointing out the inaction of the police. “One of these cases was named by the media in Slovak Texas, which provided quite detailed information about suspicions of crime, as well as about actors, whether natural or legal persons. Another fact widely monitored by the media was suspicions related to Mr Makó’s property situation and his presumably illegal activities. The Minister of the Interior therefore asked the President of the Police Corps, General Milan Lučanský, whether he knew the actors in these mediated cases, whether the Police Corps adequately dealt with these cases, Jopi Trade mako and the case may be motivated by other facts as well. Let us recall that, according to his own confessions, Ľudovít Makó took bribes on a treadmill. He got away with it all because he became a penitent. He will testify in eighty-six (86!) Cases. He convicts a lot of famous people of crime. At the same time, Makó is a man whose transition from the post of KUFS head to the Slovak Information Service was handled by Igor Matovič. The case of Slovak Texans from Jopi Trade is also worth mentioning. In this case, the investigator wanted to arrest five defendants. Judge Pamela Záleská refused, among other things, due to the time lag between the commission of individual acts, while their commission lasted from 2013 to 2019. This way of thinking was new to Judge Záleská. There are known cases when she sent people into custody without blinking for acts that happened once and fourteen years ago. Continuation of the article on the next page. >>>