After a month, contact was re-established with Chernobyl – Startitup

President Volodymyr Zelensky again called for an increase in arms supplies to Ukraine on Tuesday night in a video published on the Telegram platform. “If we had access to all the weapons we need, which our partners have and which are comparable to the weapons of the Russian Federation, we would end this war,” said Zelensky. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised on Tuesday that Berlin would finance direct arms supplies to Ukraine from the German arms industry. Scholz said his government had asked German armaments companies to provide a list of weapons that could be delivered to Kiev in the near future. online: 16:00 Russia submits to Ukraine a written draft agreement to end the warRussia has submitted to Ukraine a written draft agreement with the conditions for ending the war. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASR on Wednesday, adding that “we have submitted our proposal to the Ukrainian side, which is worded clearly and in detail,” Peskov said without giving details of the content. He stressed that the document does not set a deadline within which Kiev should respond to the offer. At the same time, he indicated that Moscow is dissatisfied with the current pace of negotiations. “The ball is now on the Ukrainian side of the court,” said a Kremlin spokeswoman. how Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine on February 24. The Kremlin’s demands in the negotiations have so far included the neutrality of Ukraine, the independence of the two self-proclaimed republics in eastern Ukraine – the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics – and the recognition of Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. However, Kiev refuses to give up parts of its territory. (TASR) 15:30 Russian billionaire criticizes Russia’s actionsRussian billionaire Oleg Tinkov, founder of Tinkoff Bank on his Instagram profile, has criticized Russia. “The generals who woke up with the monkey realized that they had an army. Kremlin officials are shocked that not only they, but also their children will not go to the Mediterranean in the summer, entrepreneurs are trying to save the rest of the property, “Tiňkov wrote on his Instagram. He also said that 90% of Russians are against this war, even though there are a few people who can promote the Z symbol in the current situation. “What good will a army do if everything else in the country and drowned in familyhood, servility? ”15:00 The Russians are learning from their failure near Kiev, the USA claims. But they made a strategic mistake14: 30 According to Kremlin spokesman, Moscow has submitted its demands to Ukraine in peace talks. During a conference call with reporters on Wednesday, Peskov said Russia had submitted a draft document to Ukraine containing “very clear, elaborate wording” and now “the ball is on their side of the field, we are waiting for an answer”. Peskov did not provide further details. However, he accused Ukraine of slow progress in the negotiations and said that Kyiv was constantly deviating from agreements confirmed in the past. “The dynamics of work on the Ukrainian side is not as good as it should be, Ukrainians do not show much inclination to intensify the negotiation process,” he said. Ukraine submitted to Russia its own draft agreement in Istanbul last month, where the two sides negotiated to end the conflict. It is not clear how regularly the two sides have been talking since then.14: 00 20,900 Russian soldiers have reportedly been killed since the start of the war. According to Kyjiv, the Ukrainian armed forces also destroyed 2,087 Russian armored personnel carriers. The portal informs about it, but notes that it cannot verify this data independently. In a night speech, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the Russian army was throwing everything it had into the fight. “They have driven almost everyone against Ukraine and everything that is able to fight against us,” the president said in a video address to the nation. (SITA) 13:03 We have hours left, help us, Mariupol defender Serhiy Volyna said in a video asking for international help for 500 wounded soldiers and hundreds of women and children, who he said are hiding in the Mariupol steelworks. the last stronghold of the Ukrainian resistance in Mariupol. “Enemy units are several times larger than ours, prevailing in the air, in artillery, in ground units, in machines and tanks,” said Major Volyna, commander of the 36th Marine Brigade. Major Serhiy Volyna of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade, whose soldiers have been holding out in the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works against a Russian force that vastly outnumbers them, tells The Post he will not surrender. – The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) April 20, 2022 He declined to say how many Ukrainian soldiers remained in the steel plant, but said they had a “good fighting spirit”. However, the situation for the injured remains “very bad”. “They are in the basement, they are just rotting there,” he added.13: 02 Finnish parliament begins debate on joining NATOFinancial parliament will start a debate on Wednesday on whether Finland should apply for NATO membership. It is a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as a result of which political and public support for joining the Alliance has increased significantly in Finland. TASR received the report from AFP. Members of the Finnish parliament called Eduskunta received a government-commissioned White Paper last week assessing the implications of joining the North Atlantic Alliance, as well as the implications of other options for securing security guarantees, such as more bilateral defense agreements. This White Paper does not contain recommendations for joining NATO, but points out that without membership in the Alliance, Finland has no security guarantees, even though it is currently a partner in the North Atlantic Alliance.11: 20 Police experts and doctors will help verify war crimes in Ukraine Slovakia will send police specialists to Ukraine, as well as forensic doctors to help verify and document suspicions of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The government approved the deployment of specialists at Wednesday’s meeting.10: 41 German arms companies to supply weapons to Ukraine9: 52 Ukraine agrees with Russia to open evacuation corridor from Mariupol Mariupol. This was announced by Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereščuková. “We managed to reach a preliminary agreement on a humanitarian corridor for women, children and the elderly,” Vereščuková wrote in the Telegram application. The civilians were instructed to gather at 1:00 pm CET for the evacuation, which will go to the city of Zaporozhye. (TASR) 9:00 Russia has added two more combat units to the fight According to the Pentagon, Russian troops at the beginning of the war consisted of 700 to 800 soldiers, and currently there may be between 55,000 and 62,000 in Ukraine.8: 56 The army repulsed numerous Russian attempts to In the east of Ukraine, large-scale fighting between the Ukrainian army and the Russian occupiers continues. According to the BBC news website, they are located along an approximately 480-kilometer-long front line. The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stated that the Ukrainian defenders were holding the line. They even launched counterattacks and recaptured the town of Marjinka in the Donetsk region. (SITA) According to the British Ministry of Defense, Ukrainians have repulsed “numerous” attempts to move forward and Russia is still holding back “environmental, logistical and technical problems”. The British Ministry of Defense also accused Russia of “indiscriminate attacks” in the port city of Mariupol. No one Ukrainian soldier accepted such an offer on Tuesday.08: 19 Russia claims that it hit more than 1,200 Ukrainian military facilitiesRussia allegedly destroyed 13 Ukrainian troops and places with military equipment by missiles on Tuesday. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday that Russian artillery had struck 1,260 Ukrainian military facilities and 1,214 places where Ukrainian soldiers were located. The AP recalls that Konašenko’s allegations cannot be independently verified. (SITA) 07:20 Connection between Chernobyl power plant and Ukrainian regulator resumed The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has announced that it has been informed that direct connections between the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) have been resumed on Tuesday evening. . IAA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi, who was referred to by the DPA, said in a press release. . (TASR) After a month of direct communication, the #Chernobyl nuclear power has been restored. – NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 20, 2022 07:00 Canada will send heavy artillery to UkraineCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Tuesday that Ottawa will send heavy artillery in support of Ukrainian forces fighting the Russian offensive and will respond. at the request of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenský. “We have been in close contact with President Zelensky from the outset and are very responsive to what they need most,” Trudeau told a news conference in New Brunswick. (TASR) Fighter planes as well as parts to repair damaged planes have been delivered to Ukraine from its allies in order to strengthen the country’s air force against Russia’s military aggression. The US Department of Defense announced this on Tuesday, but refused to specify the number of aircraft, their type, or the country of origin. source: SITA / Evgeny Biyatov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Tuesday that it will offer a ceasefire in the besieged city of Mariupol on Wednesday to allow the remaining Ukrainian soldiers in the Azovstal ironworks complex to surrender and lay down their arms. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Wednesday’s armistice should start on Wednesday at 2 pm Moscow time (1 pm CET) and provide Ukrainian fighters with the opportunity to surrender and leave without injury. Serhiy Volyna, commander of the 36th Naval Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which continues to fight Russian forces in the besieged city of Mariupol, said in a Wednesday morning post that his troops may face the last day, if not hours. Volyn appealed to world leaders to ensure their evacuation to third country territory. source: TASR / AP / Ukrainian Presidential Press Office The Russians plan to “level the ground” with the Azovstal steel plant and its surroundings. The CNN news portal informs about it, referring to the published communication of the Russian commander, which was allegedly intercepted by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU). The factory became a fortress of Ukrainian defenders in the besieged port city of Mariupol. Thank you for reading Startitup. If you have a perception or found an error in the article, write to us at [email protected]. Sources: TASR, SITA