Accused Fico has been preparing for defense for two years. According to him, Bödör, Gašpar, Kováčik are political prisoners – Denník N

No politician has organized so many press conferences to publicly defend the accused. Direction President Robert Fico has been doing this regularly for the last two years. He defended the suspects and tried to present them as political prisoners. And he calls for protests against the government, against pandemic measures or, for example, against arms exports to Ukraine – but he always talks about manipulating investigations. Fico has repeatedly attacked prosecutors of the special prosecutor’s office, NAKA investigators and judges. He defended the illegally convicted special prosecutor Dušan Kováčik, whom he personally supported in court. He spoke in public in favor of the former police president Tibor Gašpar, but especially the oligarch of Nitra Norbert Bödör. Bödör and Gašpar are concerned by the Purgatory case, in which the National Criminal Agency blamed almost the entire former police force in November 2020. They are suspected of serving the mafia instead of the law and being part of a criminal group led by Bödör. Fico talks about the manipulation of investigations and political revenge even now, when NAKA has accused him and his long-time interior minister Robert Kaliňák. “I can assume they will take my passport,” Fico said at a press conference at Smer’s headquarters on Wednesday, with MPs behind him. The chairman of Smer was summoned for questioning on April 26, and Kaliňák was questioned on Wednesday afternoon. The head of Smer said that if they did not take his passport and take him into custody, he would go on a business trip abroad to Brussels and Berlin, where he wanted to talk about manipulating investigations. Twilight Robert Fico claims that he was accused by a “gang of Čurillovs” of serious crime and was sanctified by a “gang” at the Special Prosecutor’s Office. The chairman of the Direction declared that Igor Matovič, Daniel Lipšic or Ondrej Dostál would “hang” him if it were the death penalty. The event with the accusation of Fico and Kaliňák was called Twilight.