PHOTO LUXURIOUS SMALL WEDDING: Look at the beautiful BRIDE … She had pants! –

In the Church of Our Lady of the Snows, also known as the Church on Calvary, close and friends of the head of Fashion TV Gabriela Drobová and businessman Karol Ruman met today around 2 p.m. It was here that they decided to seal their love. Photo gallery (8) Source: Ján Zeměar Of course, the invited guests include Honzík Novotný, who is Gabika’s longtime friend and she is even the godmother of his daughters. They took on the role of bridesmaids. Jasmina Alagič Vrbovská, with whom they are extremely close, also has a special day in Drob’s full day. VIDEO: Rhythm and his well-groomed son Sanel arriving at the wedding. “I’m really shaking. I didn’t expect to experience this, “she said shortly before the wedding ceremony on her Drobová Instagram. The couple had to wait for the coveted D-Day. The wedding was originally scheduled to take place in the summer of 2021. However, Drob’s father had to undergo surgery in August of that year. The couple then planned their wedding on a magical date – February 20, 2022. However, even then they did not succeed. Five days before the wedding, the groom passed a positive covid test. This is the second marriage for the bride and groom. Gabriela was married in the past to Juraj Droba, with whom they have a correct relationship even after the divorce. Ruman has a son and a daughter with his ex-wife Zuzana. Photo gallery (8) Source: Ján Zemiar Photo gallery (8) Source: Ján Zemiar Photo gallery (8) Source: Ján Zemiar Photo gallery (8) Source: Ján Zemiar PHOTO Luxury SMALL WEDDING: Look at the beautiful BRIDE … Little pants !