The message everyone was waiting for! Read when we will fold respirators: Lengvarský revealed the date – New Time

The obligation to wear respirators will be abolished in Slovakia on Thursday, April 21. This was stated by the Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský at a briefing after the government meeting. Respirators will be mandatory only in social care and medical facilities. The obligation to wear a respirator is thus also abolished in theaters or public transport. According to Lengvarský, the situation regarding the occurrence of coronavirus is constantly improving and hospitals will gradually switch to the provision of white medicine. In addition to respirators, the mandatory quarantine is also lifted after contact with a positive person. The only exception is if the quarantine is ordered by a doctor. “For example, if this contact could endanger an immunodeficient person or the like,” said Chief Hygienist Ján Mikas. Mikas also pointed out that the respirator is still of great importance for at-risk groups, the elderly, the chronically ill and the unvaccinated. “We will monitor the impact of the relaxed measures,” he added. In the case of isolation of a person after a positive test result, no changes occur. She is still obliged to insulate for five days, and the obligation to wear a respirator also applies five days after the end of isolation. If the patient’s symptoms of COVID-19 persist after five days of isolation, the physician decides to terminate the isolation.