Student mobilization: “We fought against Macron’s racist laws, we cannot block” – RMC

The students want neither Emmanuel Macron, whom they accuse of social damage, nor Marine Le Pen. No question of voting, even to block the far right. So in the ranks of demonstrators at university and high school, we are already preparing for the next five-year term. The mobilization of young people is not weakening as the second round of the presidential election approaches. The students were joined on Tuesday by high school students. These young people particularly regret that climate issues and social inequalities are not sufficiently addressed by the candidates. And if many of them fear a victory for Marine Le Pen, there is no question of blocking them by voting for Emmanuel Macron. “We do not want to choose between the plague and cholera”, tackle this Wednesday on RMC Ariane Serge , student at Paris-1 and member of the collective “Le poing levĂ©”. She thus deplores a five-year term tinged with measures against the most precarious and in particular students: “We spent five years fighting against all of Macron’s attacks against young people, the working classes, the reductions in the APL, the pension reform, his racist and security laws that he passed. We do not want to resign ourselves to having to vote for him to block the far right “.” 20 years later, we are served the same soup “Not possible therefore for these students to block: “The far right frightens us. But it is not by voting Emmanuel Macron, who is responsible for the rise of the far right that we will fight against this far right” , assures Ariane. And faced with the argument of “democracy” carried by Apolline de Malherbe, it is the rejection that Ariane advances: “40% of young people abstained in the first round, there is a lot of anger. No one can say that Emmanuel Macron is the president of young people”, assures the one who was three years old when of the second round between Jean-Marie Le Pen and Jacques Chirac in 2002. “20 years later, we are served the same soup,” she explains. “Our mobilization aims to show another way forward. I don’t think it’s incomprehensible that young people want to live other than in misery and precariousness,” adds Ariane, who wants to “build a third way from below to prepare for the next five-year term”. Because whatever happens Sunday, “it will be five new years of attacks, in the continuity of what we experienced with Emmanuel Macron”.