They found a dead newborn in the rescue nest! –

According to JOJ television, the boy’s body was supposed to be in the rescue nest for several days. It is said that there was no signal in the nest that would signal that there was a baby in the incubator. “This morning we found a baby in the rescue nest incubator, unfortunately, with no signs of life. We immediately contacted the police and we deal with the police. We are all very sorry for this tragedy and we are fully cooperating with the police in investigating the causes of the baby’s death.” “added Kamenická. According to her, the functionality of the rescue nest is regularly checked. Šimunková added that the case is currently being investigated by the police. Regret over the tragedy was also expressed by the civic association (OZ) Chance for the Unwanted, which is the initiator of rescue nests in the Slovak Republic. He cannot explain the causes of the misfortune. He points out that nothing like this has happened since 2004, when the first such incubator was set up in Slovakia. “We do not know what actually happened and we have no choice but to wait for the official results of the investigation,” the association said in an opinion available to TASR. At the same time, the association points out that the hospital to which the rescue nest is donated undertakes to take care not only of the child, but also of the functionality and hygiene of the nest itself. Read more PHOTO Two Ukrainians BRUTALLY conquered a 41-year-old man: They didn’t stop, even when he was lying on the ground! Ensuring the functionality of the system consists in regular verification of functionality, ie in verifying that the alarm in the neonatal ward sounds after each opening of the nest, which is a signal for hospital staff to wait five minutes and then check the nest. “More than two years ago, we technically improved the rescue nests by connecting them to a camera system so that every hospital can monitor the inside of the nest (laid child) through a camera that can be left on the computer desktop during 24-hour service in the neonatal unit. and has the ability to constantly monitor the nest of rescue from the inside, “the association emphasized. See also: Authors: TASR, tn