Presidential election 2022 live: D-Day for the televised debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, Reconquest! calls for a rally on the right for the legislative elections – Le Monde

The separatists of New Caledonia call for abstention in the second round Neither Emmanuel Macron nor Marine Le Pen. The separatists of New Caledonia asked their activists and sympathizers to “abstain” on Sunday during the second round of the presidential election, not wanting to decide between “the far right” and the outgoing president, whom they accuse of having maintained the referendum on independence last December. This abstention instruction was communicated today in a short text signed by the Socialist Kanak National Liberation Front (FLNKS), a historic movement of the Kanak struggle, but also by the Union of Kanak and Exploited Workers’ Unions (USTKE). , and its political branch, the Labor Party, and the Dynamik Unitaire Sud (DUS). “The order of the dam against the extreme right does not suffer from any hesitation. Nevertheless, voting Emmanuel Macron means approving the bogus referendum consultation of December 12 that the outgoing president stubbornly organized in defiance of the Kanak people,” argued the DUS, a member of the support committee for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in a statement. The separatists had unsuccessfully asked the State to postpone the third and final referendum on the independence of the Noumea Agreement (1998) to the end of 2022, due to the health crisis which, according to them, had not allowed to campaign. During the first round of the presidential election in New Caledonia, Emmanuel Macron came out on top (40.51%), followed by Marine Le Pen (18.83%) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (13.77%), against a background of record abstention (66.65%).