War in Ukraine: Soldiers besieged in Mariupol think they are living their “last hours” – 20 Minutes

It’s a desperate plea from a Ukrainian soldier, posted on Facebook on Wednesday. “We may be living our last days, even our last hours,” said this besieged officer in Mariupol, calling on the international community to proceed with their “extraction”. “The enemy is ten times more numerous than us” , said Serguiy Volyna, a commander of the 36th brigade of the national navy, entrenched in the vast steel complex of Azovstal in Mariupol in the south-east of Ukraine. “We call on and beg all world leaders to help us. We ask them to use the extraction procedure and take us to the territory of a third country,” he added. Russia has “the advantage in the air, in artillery, in ground forces, in equipment and in tanks”. “We are defending only one point – the Azovstal factory – where in addition to the military there are also civilians who have become victims of this war”, he continued. Russia for its part called on Tuesday the last defenders of the city of Mariupol to end their “senseless resistance”, promising “the life will be saved” to the Ukrainian fighters entrenched in the Azovstal complex if they surrender.