Stropnický finally admitted a new mistress, but aha, who is it! – Pluska

yesterday 19:00 It’s different for that! Žilková does not want to divorce, but it was still true that Stropnický’s new mistress is behind the break-up of her family. He is seriously burdened with … You see PHOTO who the woman is! Veronika Žilková must have felt like she’s dreaming for the last few weeks. And it’s definitely not a pleasant dream. A few weeks ago, her husband Martin Stropnický still told her that their relationship no longer had a future because he did not love her and therefore wanted to divorce. The gentleman, who holds the position of Czech ambassador to Tel Aviv in Israel, announced her report on their marriage and future by e-mail after a rather pleasant holiday together. Well, really a level break … Read more That doesn’t seem like it! Dagmar Havlová showed PHOTO from the bed: She does not lack courage, because she is quite there … However, it is obviously Martin Stropnický’s style, because this is exactly how he broke up with his first wife Lucia Stropnická. She recently even gave up the surname Stropnická and returned to her maiden name Borovcová (Lucie is the daughter of the famous Czech lyricist Zdeněk Borovec). Moreover, Stropnický did not forget to emphasize in the e-mail that a possible new relationship is a consequence of the fact that he no longer loves Žilková, and not the cause of the collapse of their marriage (because let Žilková worry about where she made a mistake and not the ambassador looked elsewhere …). Read more Tereza Pergner’s children are already “big”: Oh, how a son has changed, and look at her daughter, PHOTO! As is often the case in such cases, a “good soul” was found, which selflessly revealed to Žilková how much she is beating in this case … The former employee of the Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv was supposed to reveal that another one had appeared on the scene. According to the Czech portal, a young woman named Markéta Horňáková, who works at the embassy in Tel Aviv as a consular clerk, has been Stropnický’s mistress for three years. Already during his appointment as ambassador to Tel Aviv four years ago, she was to announce that she would divorce Stropnický. There was even a bet on this between colleagues at the embassy. Their current relationship is supposed to be a public secret … Read more What does it look like? Zagor’s husband Margita changed beyond recognition, he is a completely different man! PHOTO Because of this woman, Stropnický wants to divorce Žilková, PHOTO! Read more Is it Nina? Oh, how Sklenařík’s daughter has grown up! And that hair, because it’s already like … Veronika Žilková confirmed to the Czech portal that Martin Stropnický himself informed her about the new mistress a few days ago, asking Žilková not to comment on it for the media. It is rumored that the young mistress and colleague Stropnický is a frequent guest at the ambassador’s residence, where, according to security rules, only the ambassador’s family should live. However, Veronika Žilková, who still has her personal belongings at the embassy residence with her daughter Kordula, did not even want to comment … According to her, it is primarily a matter of her husband’s employer. Read more The real truth about the relationship between Iveta Bartošová and Petr Sepéši: Her father’s scary words came true! Read more She chose well! See what a luxury Alena Šeredová and her Italian rich man live in, PHOTO