Streaming giant Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers for the first time in ten years

To restore the situation, the pioneer of the sector intends above all to tighten the screw on the side of the sharing of identifiers and passwords. Article written by Published on 04/20/2022 06:52 Updated on 04/20/2022 07:07 Reading time: 1 min. This is a first for more than ten years. After years of conquering users at high speed, streaming giant Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers worldwide in the first quarter compared to the end of 2021. And it expects to lose even more in the spring. The news sent the stock tumbling 25% on Tuesday, April 19, during electronic trading after the closing of the New York Stock Exchange. To restore the situation, the pioneer of the sector intends above all to tighten the screw on the side of the sharing of identifiers and passwords, which allow many people not to pay to access the platform. And invest more and more in the production of content so as not to give up too much ground to the competition, such as Disney+, which has been a hit since its launch at the end of 2019. “We know that (the loss of subscribers) is disappointing for our investors, and c It’s disappointing of course, but…we’re committed to achieving those goals and getting back into their good graces,” company co-founder Reed Hastings said at the analyst call. Netflix has seen its numbers swell during the Covid-19 pandemic. The market expected a correction, but not as strong. The pioneer of the sector had planned to gain 2.5 million additional subscribers but, on the contrary, lost, bringing its total to 221.64 million subscriptions. This drop was partly caused by the suspension of the service in Russia, which resulted in a net loss of 700,000 subscriptions. “Without this impact, we would have had 500,000 additional subscriptions” compared to the last quarter, Netflix said in its earnings release. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link