LIVE – War in Ukraine: Russia is entering “a new phase” of the conflict

8:13 Ukraine: agreement on an evacuation corridor for civilians from Mariupol, according to Kiev After three consecutive days without the opening of humanitarian corridors in Ukraine, an agreement was reached on Wednesday to evacuate civilians from Mariupol, where the situation there appears critical “We may be living our last days, even our last hours,” said a commander of the besieged Ukrainian military in Mariupol, calling on the international community to “extract” them, in a message posted on Facebook on Wednesday.8 :02Ukrainian forces have succeeded in recovering a city in the east of the country according to a Ukrainian MPOleksiy Goncharenko, Ukrainian MP from Odessa, was the guest of BFMTV this Wednesday morning. As the battle of Donbass rages in the east, the elected official of the Black Sea port city located in the south of Ukraine, explains that the Ukrainian forces have managed to recover a city in the east of the country. 4:05″We may be living our last days”: critical situation for Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol”We may be living our last days, even our last hours”, claimed a commander of Ukrainian soldiers besieged in Mariupol while calling the international community to proceed with their “extraction”, in a message published on Facebook on Wednesday. “The enemy is ten times more numerous than us”, declared Serguiy Volyna, of the 36th brigade of the national navy, entrenched in the besieged Azovstal factory in Mariupol (south-eastern Ukraine). “We call and beg all world leaders to help us. We ask them to use the extraction procedure and take us to the territory of a third country,” he added4:04Washington is preparing a new $800 million military aid package for UkraineThe United States is set to approve a new military aid package for Ukraine amounting to $800 million, less than a week after a previous announcement of a tranche of the same amount, several American media reported on Tuesday. Details of this new package are still being worked out, according to CNN, which quotes three senior Biden administration officials. 4:04 Zelensky says that the Russian army is “perhaps the most barbaric and inhuman army in the world”In a speech broadcast on Tuesday, the Ukrainian president explains that the clashes have intensified in the east of the country, and that the Moscow forces target dwellings “like cib the classics.” In this war, “the Russian army will forever go down in world history as perhaps the most barbaric and inhumane army in the world”, launches Volodymyr Zelensky.>> Our article complet4:02Hello everyone! And welcome to this direct follow-up to the war in Ukraine