United Kingdom: fined for breaking confinement, Boris Johnson apologizes “unreservedly” to MPs – franceinfo

“BoJo” acknowledged Tuesday that “citizens were entitled to expect better from their Prime Minister”, who, to celebrate his birthday, had sat down on the rules he himself had established. Article written by Published on 04/19/2022 18:49 Updated on 04/19/2022 19:06 Reading time: 1 min. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologized “unreservedly” to MPs on Tuesday, April 19, after being fined for breaking anti-Covid restrictions in June 2020. The conversation leader said he paid the bill as soon as the notification of the fine, worth 50 pounds sterling (60 euros), has reached him. On June 19, 2020, his collaborators had organized a “surprise birthday party” for him in the gardens of 10 Downing Street, which lasted “less than 10 minutes”, according to him. His finance minister, Rishi Sunak, and his wife Carrie also received a plum. In his defence, “BoJo” claimed that it “did not occur to him, then or subsequently”, that his attendance at a brief gathering for his birthday in Downing Street “could constitute a violation of the rules” then in force. Ironically, this little party took place just before a crucial meeting… on the management of the Covid-19 pandemic. “It did not occur to me then, or subsequently, that a gathering in the Cabinet room just before a vital meeting on Covid strategy could amount to a breach of the rules,” says PM Boris Johnson “That was my mistake, and I apologise for it unreservedly”https://t.co/hIx6lWqcJo pic.twitter.com/52hvbN08In — BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) April 19, 2022 The so-called “Partygate” investigation (the party scandal, in French) has already resulted in 50 fines. Boris Johnson may not be done with Scotland Yard. The Conservative leader risks new fines for his presence at at least five other festive events presented as more embarrassing for him. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link