Presidential election: which Prime Minister after Jean Castex if Emmanuel Macron is re-elected? –

Tuesday morning on France Inter, Jean Castex made it clear that he will not continue his lease at Matignon if Emmanuel Macron is re-elected President of the Republic on Sunday. Who could replace him? Response elements. “You know, like any good politician, Emmanuel Macron is superstitious, he refuses to think about his future government when he is not yet elected for fear that it will bring him bad luck”… Tuesday, in La Dépêche, a minister in the foreground brushed aside everything that can be written on the subject. And yet, Jean Castex, himself, said it: “In the days which follow (the election), as tradition dictates, I will present my resignation and that of the government to the President of the Republic”. Some imagined, he There are still three weeks that the Matignon tenant could remain in office until the legislative elections, but since the first round and the RN tidal wave, things have changed. “Keep the government for several more weeks, I would find it weird. It would be underestimating the shock caused by an RN candidate who would have finished with more than 40% of the vote”, assured us, Friday, a secretary of State who thinks that ‘Emmanuel Macron, if he is re-elected, “will take some time to form his government”. And to specify: “He will want to show that it is a very serious moment. He will want to say: ‘I am aware that I won with very different people'” Indeed, continues our interlocutor, “from the day after the second round, many people will be angry: some because they did not vote for him, others because they forced themselves to. He will have to take this into account.” Terminal at the top of the list?

The personality chosen to settle in Matignon will therefore be a strong message addressed to the President’s voters but also to his opponents. “It will take a soothing Prime Minister, who dialogues and who reassures”, assures us a minister who would see himself there. And another, who would also see it, complete cash: “Do not underestimate the cynicism of the man: he will not choose his Prime Minister according to his carbon footprint.” In Marseille, on Saturday, Emmanuel Macron wished, in fact, that his future Prime Minister would also be in charge of the climate, which in no way means that this personality would be identified as an environmentalist… In 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy had appointed Alain Juppé then Jean- Louis Borloo to occupy a super ministry of the environment. A name has been circulating in recent days to replace Jean Castex, that of the Minister of Labor Élisabeth Borne. Response from the current head of government, with a smile: “Ms. Borne? She is campaigning for the re-election of Emmanuel Macron.” Understand that this is not the time for service offers. At least on the front.