Val-de-Marne: he kills his ex-girlfriend after following her home and turns the knife against him – archyde

Val-de-Marne: he kills his ex-girlfriend after having followed her home and turns the knife against him РLe Parisien INFO LE PARISIEN. A feminicide took place this Tuesday shortly before 7 p.m. in Maisons-Alfort. The ex-companion of the young woman followed her home and stabbed her, before seriously injuring himself with his own knife. He allegedly threatened her recently at a family party. Maisons-Alfort Val-de-Marne), this Tuesday evening. After following his ex-companion to her home, avenue de la Libert̩, the man killed her by stabbing her several times. LP/Maxime Fran̤oisIn the Val-de-Marne section