The presidential debrief: Macron widens the gap on Le Pen, Marion Maréchal gets involved in Reconquest – Le Journal du dimanche

6:08 p.m., April 19, 2022, modified at 6:44 p.m., April 19, 2022 D-5 before the second round of the presidential electionFact of the day: Macron widens the gap on Le Pen, his camp calls for cautionThe facts. Five days before the outcome of the presidential election, and on the eve of the crucial debate between the two rounds, Emmanuel Macron is increasing his lead in the polls over Marine Le Pen. The outgoing president is credited this Tuesday evening with 55.5% of the voting intentions, according to our average established from the last five surveys. The trend is clear since the Head of State gained two more points during the Easter weekend. However, the majority multiplies calls for caution. “Nothing seems to me to be played because many unknowns weigh on the ballot, starting with abstention”, warns in particular the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe in Le Figaro. Why it is important. With such a gap, Emmanuel Macron has moved away from the margin of error that separates him from Marine Le Pen. But the President’s camp does not want to give the slightest sign of relaxation, in the final stretch. First, because the debate can always change the situation in the minds of the French. Then and above all because we must keep mobilizing the voters who are about to vote for the head of state, in particular those who do so without enthusiasm to block Marine Le Pen’s way. Hence the warnings that nothing is decided yet until the polling stations have opened, as Emmanuel Macron himself summed up on Monday evening on France 5: “Rethink what citizens British people were saying a few hours before Brexit or in the United States before the Trump vote arrived: I’m not going to go, what’s the point? I can tell you that the next day they regretted it. “Read also – Emmanuel Macron facing Marine Le Pen: what to expect from the debate between the two presidential roundsClarificationAsked on France Inter to find out if he would remain Prime Minister until the June legislative elections, Jean Castex replied on Tuesday that “everything depends on the fate of the ballot boxes on Sunday”, but that he is “one of those who think that a new impetus after the re-election of the president must be found”. “After this re-election, in the days that follow, as tradition dictates, I will present my resignation and that of the government to the President of the Republic,” he said. between Marine #LePen and Emmanuel #Macron #[email protected]/ZKinkk1NmF— Guillaume Daret (@GuillaumeDaret) April 19, 2022
Support Claude Chirac, daughter of former President Jacques Chirac, and her husband Frédéric Salat-Baroux, former secretary general of the Élysée, called on Tuesday for “not a voice to be missing from Emmanuel Macron” against Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. “As Jacques Chirac said throughout his life, it’s time to fight against extremism,” they said in a statement to AFP. The Chirac family does not give discharge to the president-candidate. In an allusion to Emmanuel Macron’s proposal for a rally, she believes in particular that “the answer cannot be in the constitution of a vast single body of government, with the only alternative being an ideologically reconstructed far right and far left”. And to continue: “The right has been beaten but is not dead. The sentence Jean-Michel Macron, the father of the Head of State, gave an interview to the press group Ebra to defend him five days before the second round of the presidential election. “I have a lot of admiration for the way he currently leads the state. I find that you have to have a lot of courage and that the French are very ungrateful, but that’s nothing new . I approve of 90% of what he does. We never agree 100%. I am not a follower of a sect, “he said in particular from his home in Amiens. According to his father, the last time Emmanuel Macron came to the house where he grew up was on November 21. re 2019, “on the occasion of the inauguration of the new faculty of sciences of Amiens”. Asked about his relations with Brigitte Macron, Jean-Michel Macron said he had “good relations, even if I don’t have lunch with her every day”. The nomination Marion Maréchal announced it on Twitter: she becomes executive vice-president of Reconquest!, the movement of Éric Zemmour. “I decided to join and get fully involved,” she explains. A title that she shares with the MEP Nicolas Bay, the deputy Guillaume Peltier and Stanislas Rigault, the president of Generation Z. In a press release, the party says “to have vocation to bring together patriots, conservatives, republicans and independents from the next legislative elections” in June. The executive office of @Reconquete2022 at work.— Eric Zemmour (@ZemmourEric) April 19, 2022
The mail (continued) The NPA, represented in the presidential election by Philippe Poutou, responded favorably to the proposal of La France insoumise concerning possible joint candidacies on the left in the legislative elections. “We respond favorably to your request to meet to discuss,” wrote the party in a statement. The latter nevertheless sets two conditions: that the campaign is “in a process of resistance to the far right and anti-social policies and the proposal of a policy that breaks with the loyal management of capitalism”. Also, the NPA wants the campaign to be conducted “in complete independence from the organizations of the social-liberal left, in particular the Socialist Party”. This is timely since in the JDD on Sunday LFI has already closed the door to an agreement in the legislative elections with… the PS. Read also – Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI group at the National Assembly: “It’s up to Macron to convince”