He then introduced the commander of the advanced NATO unit in Slovakia – SME.sk

The unit will be commanded by Tomáš Unzeitig. BRATISLAVA. The commander of the advanced NATO unit in Slovakia is Tomáš Unzeitig, who has experience in managing foreign and international operations. Until recently, he served as deputy commander of the 31st Regiment of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Liberec. The Minister of Defense Jaroslav Naď (OĽANO) informs about it on the social network. The article continues under video advertising The article continues under video advertising “He has a lot of experience in managing foreign operations, which he gained while operating in the Czech Republic, but also in international operations in Turkey and Afghanistan,” Naď said. troops, in particular in strengthening the capabilities we have so far lacked. The so-called A strengthened NATO presence is a response from Slovakia and the Allies to Russia’s unprovoked massive military invasion of Ukraine. The combat unit is composed of soldiers with an advanced presence of units from Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. The Czechs command the multinational fighting group in Slovakia. Multinational battle groups within the so-called NATO’s enhanced advanced presence (eFP) emerged as a deterrent to the Alliance in response to the annexation of Crimea. They are based in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Following Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Alliance member states agreed to set up multinational eFP battlegroups along NATO’s eastern flank, including Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia. mail. Try the new feature and turn on the subscription.