This drone that did not fly over Emmanuel Macron’s meeting in Marseille… – La Provence

As Easter approaches, the skies are traditionally crowded. But on Saturday, on the occasion of Emmanuel Macron’s only meeting between the two towers, it was not the bells that were feared, but drones and other unidentified flying objects. While the overflights are already particularly framed by the regulations, in anticipation of the arrival of the president-candidate in the gardens of the Pharo, the police headquarters had also prohibited the sector to unmanned flying machines. And set up a monitoring device to ensure compliance with the decree. This is how the police detected the presence of a drone in the prohibited area, but contrary to what has could have been announced elsewhere, the overflight took place well after the meeting, around 7 p.m. and directly above the J4 esplanade, on the other side of the port. The pilot of the machine, who was also on the J4 esplanade was spotted by the sector’s video surveillance and arrested in the process. It was a 25-year-old man who was probably shooting at the seaside using a simple recreational drone. He was nevertheless taken into custody and his camera seized.