Legislative 2022: Mélenchon asks the French to elect him Prime Minister in the “third round” – The HuffPost

Pascal Rossignol via ReutersThe leader of rebellious France (LFI), Jean-Luc Mélenchon on April 5, 2022 REUTERS/Pascal RossignolLEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS – Jean-Luc Mélenchon, eliminated with 21.95% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election, counts fight a new political battle. Guest of Bruce Toussaint this Tuesday evening on BFM, the candidate of France insoumise (LFI) asked the French to “elect him Prime Minister” by voting for a “majority of Insoumis” and “members of the Popular Union ” in “a third round” which he sees as the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. “Do you want to see Jordan Bardella Prime Minister? Gérald Darmanin?”, he also asked. “I will fight the battle” but not necessarily as a candidate for deputy because “we have to fight everywhere and not in a single constituency”, he added, saying that he has not yet decided on a possible candidacy, in Marseilles or elsewhere, during this election “because it is not the most urgent decision”. Who does he hope to be the Prime Minister of? “It’s quite secondary (…) What the French have decided, I will follow”, he also answered the question of the journalist from BFMTV. “Take the problem from the other end, if I do not fight for this fight, I leave them the power (…) I will not be Prime Minister by the grace of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen but because that the French wanted it”. The two finalists in the presidential election “are not of the same nature (…) They must each have their share of qualities or faults”, he explains, criticizing several points of Marine Le Pen’s program, in particular on the wearing of the veil in the public space, and ensuring that he will impose the blocking of prices on energy if he enters Matignon. ”The question of who is president, who cares. From the moment we will have the majority, it is I who will pass the decrees, not the president”, he also declared. tiktok