Presidential 2022: Jean-Luc Mélenchon asks the French to “elect him Prime Minister” during the legislative elections – franceinfo

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third in the first round of the presidential election, thinks he can access Matignon during the “third round” of the June legislative elections. Article written by Published on 04/19/2022 19:39 Updated on 04/19/2022 19:53 Reading time: 1 min. “I ask the French people to elect me Prime Minister. (…) I call on all those who want to join the Popular Union to join us for this beautiful battle”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon launched this call on BFMTV, Tuesday April 19, five days before the second round, which the Popular Union candidate missed by 400,000 votes against Marine Le Pen. The one who is still a “rebellious” deputy from Bouches-du-Rhône assures him: “I will be the Prime Minister not by the favor or the grace of Mr. Macron or Mrs. Le Pen, but because the French will have wanted it.” A few days after his failure in the first round of the presidential election, the second in five years, Jean-Luc Mélenchon explained that he wanted to become Prime Minister of one or the other candidate, and that he intended to govern: “It is not not the president who signs the decrees, it is the Prime Minister”. He thus intends to convert the political weight he has obtained, about a third of the electorate, against the center block and the extreme right block, according to him. “If I don’t fight for this victory, what do I do? I don’t want Marine Le Pen to take over the country, and I don’t want Emmanuel Macron to keep power. I resolve this contradiction by saying ‘There’s a third round’.” The Popular Union candidate maintains that he has not yet decided whether he will run for the legislative elections himself or whether he will lead his camp’s campaign without running for a seat as a deputy. He also did not guarantee that, if he ran, he would do so in the Marseille constituency of which he is currently elected. His party is conducting negotiations with certain left-wing parties in view of these legislative elections, scheduled for June 12 and 19. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link