From pastel colors to the passion for ‘Doctor Zhivago’, the secrets of the ‘Last Queen’

From pastel-colored dresses to ineffable hats, from a passion for corgi to favorite films, ‘Doctor Zhivago’, ‘Moments of glory’ and of course ‘The King’s Speech’ dedicated to his father, George VI. But also the gold cardigan (with diamonds, sapphires and rubies) given by children and grandchildren for the 50th anniversary of their marriage to the Duke of Edinburgh (value 72 thousand euros, kept in the Tower of London). And then his very personal treasure that counts about 800 thousand pieces managed by 300 people, the alarm clock to the sound of the bagpipes, the Hermès scarves always knotted around the neck, the rain umbrellas, in transparent plastic, with the band in the same color as the dress. Vices and virtues, curiosities and secrets of the most loved and long-lived sovereign, Elizabeth II of England, in the book ‘Elizabeth. The last queen ‘(Cairo publisher) co-authored by Luisa Ciuni and Elena Mora. Elizabeth II, who will turn 96 on 21 April, was the first queen to be elected ‘Person of the Year’, the most important personality of the year by the Times in 1952, she is the only sovereign in the world to be able to drive or turn without a license (he earned his apprenticeship during World War II), he owns 500 hats and about 200 bags (all from the same maison, Launer) alongside those inherited from Queen Mum, whom Hitler defined as ‘the most dangerous woman in Europe’. After her father’s death, she lived with her family in Buckingham Palace (775 rooms and 350 full-time employees). Inside the historic residence, the eldest daughter of the Dukes of York has managed to carve out, however, an oasis of peace. “A small studio – explain the two authors – with a large bookcase in which biographies, history books but also mysteries by Agatha Christie and gardening volumes stand out. Among the most expensive things a Chippendale style armchair, whose seat had been embroidered by father, who relaxed with needle and thread “. The precious volume reconstructs a singular existence, returns an unpublished portrait, that of a queen and a nation, the ascent to the throne of Albion to which the young Elizabeth, Alexandra, Mary, only third in line of succession, was not was absolutely predestined. Breakfast with Twinings Darjeeling milk tea, lunch and dinner with fish and meat from the estates of Sandringham and Balmoral “Sovereign at only 26 without having had the proper education or preparation, catapulted into the responsibilities of reigning over a A country that has not yet fully recovered from a terrible war, Elizabeth – remember the two journalists and scholars – faces the load that has suddenly arrived on her shoulders with a great sense of duty, extreme commitment and a touch of fussiness “. Almost a disposition of the soul that she also faces in everyday life with rites that have followed one another, always identical, unchanging over the decades. Wake up at 7.30 in the morning, a first and second breakfast based on milk tea (Twinings Darjeeling, a blend of black teas, with an exquisite fragrance) accompanied by corn flakes or Special K served with dried fruit, apricots, plums and nuts , toast with jam and soft-boiled eggs. “The only real luxury that the sovereign allows – write Luisa Ciuni and Elena Mora – are scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and a generous grating of truffles”. As far as food is concerned, the English sovereign is rather frugal. No excess, no gluttony, she’s not a diet fanatic. She is so different from the unloved Wallis Simpson, wife of her uncle, the Duke of Windsor, whose motto was ‘never too rich, never too thin, never too loved’. She loves fish, Queen Elizabeth, grilled meat, game, venison or salmon from the Sandringham and Balmoral estates with a side of vegetables and salad. Unmissable afternoon tea this time Early Gray with bergamot scent (always, punctual at 16) served with tuna or salmon mini sandwiches, buttered and seasoned with cucumber and a sprinkling of pepper, ham and egg with inevitable jam pennies, tiny jam pastries and chocolate cake Portrayed by Andy Warhol, Cecil Beaton, Pietro Annigoni, Lucien Freud, Annie Leibovitz “A queen – write the two authors – who managed to celebrate herself in life, despite herself, remained substantially identical and true to itself over the span of 7 decades, refusing to pursue passing fashions by becoming a pop icon long before Andy Warhol portrayed her. A style, her immutable, impeccable, unmatched because a queen must be a figure reassuring, a unifying personality “. During her long reign, the queen posed for over 130 portraits by Cecil Beaton, Pietro Annigoni, Lucien Freud, the grandson of the father of psychoanalysis (the least loved one), Annie Leibovitz, a famous American photographer, who took the crown off her head. obtaining a royal denial from the English sovereign. The book also reveals little secrets and tricks to be flawless on every occasion. Only dresses made with natural fibers (there is always an identical double) and in the hem, hidden, small weights to always keep dresses, skirts and coats in place. Beside her, very faithful and inseparable since 2000, the designer and seamstress Angela Kelly, responsible for her wardrobe. Therefore, Elizabeth II is preparing to celebrate her 96th birthday, which in all probability she will celebrate in Windsor Castle, the most beloved of the royal residences, alongside her dearest people, the Dukes of Cambridge and their children, Charles and Camilla, the heir who sooner or later will ascend the throne, for a few months, for a few years with the most hated woman in the kingdom (once) and now also loved by the queen. “A woman not to be underestimated, ‘the only non-negotiable thing in my life, said the Prince of Wales’, courageous and determined, with an extraordinary sense of humor – remember Luisa Ciuni and Elena Mora – that Elizabeth II has learned to accept “. For the duty of a queen, for the love of mother.