Where is my son Russia obscures the victims of the sunken cruiser Moscow – HNonline.sk

How many sailors died in the sinking of the Russian cruiser Moscow? The honest answer at this point is: no one knows. Russia’s independent media report about forty dead, and Russia’s Defense Ministry is silent. And the families of the missing sailors are demanding an answer. How is it possible that the officers are alive and my son is not? In recent days, Dmitri Strebec’s life has narrowed to a single goal: to find out what happened to his son. The 21-year-old from Yalta joined the war last July and was assigned as a ship’s cook on the Moscow cruiser, which sank to the bottom of the Black Sea last week. A desperate father therefore wrote on the social network VKontakte on Sunday: “My son entered basic military service. As the commanders of the Moscow cruiser told me directly, he was neither among the dead nor among the wounded. They put him on the missing list. He was not allowed to take part in the fighting, and suddenly he is on the list of the missing! Well, tell me, how can they call someone missing on the high seas ?! ”he pauses. This article is for subscribers only.
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