The ĽSNS parliamentary group ceased to exist – Startitup

The ĽSNS parliamentary group has ceased to exist, writes MP Gábor Grendel on the social network. “Today, on behalf of the President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, I signed a decision on the termination of the mandate of Marian Kotleba and at the same time a decision on the termination of the ĽSNS parliamentary group.” Until the promise of his substitute, the ĽSNS parliamentary group does not have the number of deputies required by law, which is necessary for the continued existence of the deputy club. Kotleb’s deputy can take the oath on April 26, the first day of the next parliamentary session. Today, on behalf of the President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, I signed a decision on the termination of the mandate. Based on the decision of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, Kotleba will serve a suspended six-month prison sentence with a one-and-a-half probation period. He is guilty of an offense of sympathy for a movement aimed at suppressing fundamental rights and freedoms. Kotleb’s guilt was also decided by the Specialized Criminal Court, which imposed an unconditional sentence of four years and four months behind bars last year. Marian Kotleba appealed against the verdict at that time, so the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic ruled on his fate. The Supreme Court also admitted that Kotleba was guilty, but annulled the original decision of the Specialized Court. They imposed a significantly lower sentence on him, so Kotleba does not have to go to prison. However, he lost his parliamentary mandate. Source: TASR / Pavol Zachar. even after the final judgment was delivered, he was preparing for a parliamentary session. On his social network, he stated on 11 April that his mandate remains valid and he therefore intends to exercise it. , “Kotleba announced in the video. He also claimed that his intention had not been proven in court. He turned out to be wrong. Today, Gábor Grendel, on behalf of the President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, signed a decision terminating his mandate. The case, which brought Kotleba before the Supreme Court and causes it further complications, concerns an event that took place in March 2017 at the Business Academy in Banská Bystrica. At that time, the head of ĽSNS handed over a financial gift to three families by means of symbolic checks, which were issued in the amount of 1,488 euros. The event took place on March 14, 2017, ie on the anniversary of the declaration of the Slovak state. Thank you for reading Startitup. If you have a perception or found an error in the article, write to us at [email protected]. Source: FB / Grendel