DIRECT. War in Ukraine: “Putin will not stop at Ukraine”, fears ex-president Poroshenko – archyde

17:30The battle in the Donbass, a battle for “democracy”” This is not the battle for the Donbass, this is not the battle for Ukraine, this is the battle between evil criminal Russia and the democratic world. What is at stake today in Ukraine is the future of Ukraine but also that of the world”, thunders former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on BFM TV, the day after the start of the Russian offensive in the East of the country. 5:28 p.m. “Putin will not stop at Ukraine” “Putin will not stop at Ukraine”, fears Petro Poroshenko, who assures that the Russian leader will “knock on the door” of the Baltic countries and other neighboring countries of Ukraine in the continuity of the war. confides Petro Poroshenko on BFM TV. “The Western world has united in this moment of trial because it is collective and aware that it is war against Western democratic values, against the model of a society”, assures the former Ukrainian president. , which calls for new strong sanctions against Russia and additional military aid to Ukraine, at the end of the videoconference between Joe Biden and his allies about Ukraine. 17:28 Petro Poroshenko denounces Russian barbarism Ukrainian president, questioned on BFM TV, castigates the Russian invasion of his country. “Putin’s objective is to wipe Ukraine off the map of the world”, denounces the former head of state from kyiv, assuring that “the Russian barbarians shoot at the buses by which the children, the women. , on the occasion of the Orthodox Easter, “to allow the opening of a series of humanitarian corridors” in Ukraine. Russian offensive in Ukraine with French leaders Emmanuel Macron, British Boris Johnson, German Olaf Scholz, Romanian Klaus Iohannis, Polish Andrzej Duda, Italian Mario Draghi, Canadian Justin Trudeau and Japanese Fumio Kishida. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also took part in the call, as well as the Presidents of the European Commission and the European Council, Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel, said the White House. The day after the launch of the Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that a “new phase of the Russian military operation” had begun. “I am convinced that this will be a very important moment for this special operation,” he told Indian press. Russia has announced that it has carried out a dozen strikes in the area, which it intends to “liberate”.16:42The world economy resists the warAlthough affected by the invasion of Ukraine, the world economy not been hit by a financial crisis, underlines the IMF. In its latest Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR), the institution observes that Moscow’s attack on its neighbor is “not a global systemic event from a financial point of view”. However, this conflict, which began on February 24, is testing “the resilience of global financial markets” which already had “pre-existing vulnerabilities”. unfortunately, three people died,” regional governor Oleg Sinegoubov said on Telegram. Quoted by Ukrainian television Hromadske, he also specifies that 21 people were injured in strikes on four residential areas of the city. by Russian troops since early March, says Pavlo Kyrylenko, governor of the Donetsk region. “These are street battles and not only with small arms, but also tank battles in the streets of the city. »REUTERS/Alexander Ermoshenko16:0776 people released during an exchange with Russia« We exchanged 60 soldiers, including 10 officers. Sixteen civilians also returned home,” Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said on Telegram. According to her, this is the fifth exchange of prisoners since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24. 3:59 p.m. the animals in the Kharkiv zoo are deprived of food, medicine and medical equipment, worries Svitlana, zoo manager and refugee in Nice, relays France Bleu Azur. Two local elected officials announce on the radio that they are actively working to set up a convoy to bring aid to animals in difficulty. 3:46 p.m. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, is under fire from critics across the Rhine. His wrong? Having supported the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project between Russia and Germany, now discontinued. She admitted her “error” to have supported the project, while a German Green MP called for a parliamentary inquiry into the subject. 15:34 The European economy will also slow down Because of the war, the IMF has assessed growth in the euro zone in 2022 at 2.8% instead of 3.9% estimated in January – and 4.3% expected in October. “The main channels through which the war in Ukraine and the economic sanctions imposed on Russia affect the economy of the euro zone are the global rise in energy prices and energy security”, writes the Washington institution in its spring economic forecast, and titled “War Sets Back Global Recovery.” 15:01 The Terrible Cost of War IMF forecasts. This represents respectively 38.5 and 11.3 percentage points less than in the previous forecasts from January. The International Monetary Fund underlines the uncertainty surrounding the projections for Ukraine because “it is impossible to obtain precise data on the damage caused to the economy”. But given the massive destruction of infrastructure and the millions of people displaced, the institution warns that the contraction will be “very severe”. CEOs of four of Britain’s major energy suppliers are asking the UK government for further action to mitigate the impact of prices set to rise in October. Electricity and gas prices for millions of households have already risen by 54% in recent weeks, driven by concerns over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In England, the number of households in “ energy tension”, i.e. those who spend at least 10% of their budget on energy bills, has doubled to 5 million following the April increase.14:48Moscow expels 36 new diplomatsRussia has announced this Tuesday the expulsion of 36 Belgian and Dutch diplomats, in retaliation for a similar measure taken by Belgium and the Netherlands. Among them, 21 Belgian diplomats and 15 Dutch diplomats, including 14 employees of the Dutch embassy in Moscow and an employee of the Dutch consulate general in Saint Petersburg (north-west). They will have to leave Russia within two weeks. 14:43 Lavrov rules out using nuclear weapons in Ukraine does not consider the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, but Russian news agencies interpret his remarks differently. RIA Novosti quotes the minister as saying “at this stage we are considering the option of conventional weapons”, while Interfax adds “conventional weapons only”. maintenance products and adhesives with brands such as Rubson, Le Chat and Diadermine, announces that it is “abandoning” its activities in Russia. The Düsseldorf group employs more than 52,000 people worldwide. activities in the country in the name of its “responsibility” towards the employees. The group had however put an end to investments, sponsorship contracts and advertisements in Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.14:30Luba and his fourteen pairs of shoesLuba Kharchenko , a mother of two children, settled with her husband since 2003 in France, has been welcoming a tribe since March 2. Her sister and her two children, her sister-in-law and her two children as well as her cousin and her two children, not forgetting the 67-year-old mother-in-law, live together in their 60 m2 three-room apartment in Nogent-sur-Marne. The Parisian met them. 14:13Raids in SeverodonetskA French journalist testifies to the sounds of air raids carried out by Russian forces in Severodonetsk, in Luhansk.14:01Russia claims to have opened a corridor for the evacuation of Ukrainian forces in MariupolEarlier in the day, Moscow called on the Ukrainian army to “lay down their arms” and the last defenders of Mariupol to cease their “senseless resistance”. She opens this corridor to allow them to leave. “Given the catastrophic situation in the Azovstal metallurgical plant (…), from 2 p.m. (1 p.m. French time) the Russian forces opened a corridor to allow the exit of the soldiers of the Ukrainian army and fighters from nationalist formations who have voluntarily laid down their arms,” the Russian Defense Ministry said, adding that a local ceasefire had been established to ensure the evacuation. fled their country at warAccording to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 4,980,589 Ukrainians have fled abroad, 46,174 more than when counted on Monday. The International Organization for Migration (IOM), also attached to the UN, states that approximately 215,000 non-Ukrainians, mainly students and migrant workers, have also left Ukraine for neighboring countries, which means that some 5.2 million people in total have fled Ukraine since the beginning ut of the war. “The main thing is that the borders remain open, that people can have access to security and that when they arrive in neighboring countries, they have access to help,” he told the press. UNHCR Geneva spokeswoman Shabia Mantoo that Ukraine’s position was “perilous” because the Russian president wants to be able to declare some kind of victory “regardless of the human cost”, he added, quoted by Independent. 13:25“Beginning of a new Cold War”“Rebuilding all of this will take time. It may take decades to restore confidence,” said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, saying that “we are witnessing the beginning of a new Cold War.” Member of NATO and ally of Ukraine – in which it delivered combat drones – Turkey has been trying since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine to facilitate mediation between Moscow and kyiv, and has refused to align itself with Western sanctions aimed at Russia, anxious to keep a open line with the Kremlin.