US elections 2024, Biden told Obama he wants to run again

Joe Biden has told Barack Obama that he intends to run for a second term in the White House. This is what The Hill reports today, reporting news provided by two informed sources on the conversation between the president and the former president, which confirms what Biden, 80 years old in November, has already hinted several times. The last chance, the press conference during his mission to Brussels at the end of March, when he told reporters that he would be “very lucky” to have in 2024 the same opponent of 2020, that is Donald Trump who continues to air his new one. candidacy. “Biden wants to run and is clearly telling everyone,” said one of the sources cited by The Hill, who points out that, despite the popularity rate at an all-time low, the current president believes he is the Democrat with the best chance of beating. the former Republican president again. “I think he is convinced that only he can beat Trump – the sources explain – I do not think that there is anyone in the Democratic party capable of doing it, and this is the main factor.” Biden and Obama had a lunch together in the past. weeks, when the former president went to the White House for an event on Obamacare. In addition to the steadily plummeting polls, another factor that could cast doubts on Biden’s new candidacy is that of age: having become the oldest president at the time of his inauguration at 78, the Democrat would have been 82 years old at the beginning of the year. possible second term. The latest Cnbc survey shows a popularity rate for Biden at just 38%, with unpopularity at 53%. On several occasions, Biden has publicly said that he intends to run for re-election, stressing, however, that a possible intervention of “fate” must always be kept in mind. “I respect fate very much, it has intervened many times in my life: if I am healthy as I am now, I would like to apply again,” he said last December in an interview with Abcnews. And regarding the possible new confrontation with Trump, he joked: “Now try to tempt me. Why shouldn’t I run against Donald Trump if he is nominated? This would increase the possibility of a candidacy.” Furthermore, in a recent press conference, he confirmed as his possible ‘running mate’ Kamala Harris, the current vice president who at the moment has an even lower popularity than Biden’s and is having problems with visibility and management of political dossiers. sources informed about the Biden-Obama interview underline the skepticism of many Democrats regarding the possibility that Harris, who would be the natural candidate in the event of a president renouncing to run, could win the election. “People think she has no chance, which confirms Biden as a candidate,” the sources explain.