Shock in Progressive Slovakia: Second chairman ends, this young man will replace Bihari –

Progressive Slovakia states this in a press release. “The only candidate for the chairman of Progressive Slovakia is Michal Šimečka. The current chairman, Irena Bihari, is running for the position of vice-chairwoman of the movement,” the party said. Photo gallery (3) Progressive Slovakia has launched a 72-hour protest and petition against the adoption of a law restricting abortion
Source: Topky / Maarty I’m not stuck to the chair, argues Bihari Bihari has her reasons why she no longer runs. “It has never been about one person in Progressive Slovakia, and I am not stuck on the chair’s chair either. The war in Ukraine has made foreign policy issues key and will be crucial in public in the near future, so I consider Michal Šimečka the most suitable chairman of our movement,” Bihari said. According to her, Šimečka also confirmed his qualities by succeeding as a candidate for Vice-President of the European Parliament. It will be a struggle for democracy, Šimečka explains his step Šimečka himself has the ambition to run for president of the movement summarized along with the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2024. “Slovakia faces an incredibly difficult period – the ongoing war in Ukraine Robert Fico and the fascists are abusing it all, and the parliamentary elections of 2024 will in fact be a struggle for democracy and the European future of Slovakia, and I am convinced that if Slovakia is to win this struggle, it will need a strong PS. Therefore, I will use all my contacts, experience and opportunities for the European Parliament’s democracy and the European future to withstand the threats of extremists and populists, “said Šimečka. Photo gallery (3) Michal Šimečka
Source: TASR / Jaroslav Novák In addition to Bihari, Zora Jaurová, Lucia Plaváková, Martin Hojsík, Michal Truban and Tomáš Valášek are running for the position of vice-presidents and vice-presidents of the movement. Skillfully 30 candidates are running for 12 positions of members of the Bureau. The PS assembly will take place on Saturday, May 7 in Bratislava. I’m not going anywhere, Bihari promises. Bihari has shed further light on the social network why she no longer wants to be the party chairwoman. “Instructed by the high expectations before the parliamentary elections and the harder to read after losing them, I did not set too daring goals – I knew that in a non-parliamentary position, out of media attention, with a weak budget and naturally cooled motivation, it would be bold to aspire to survey numbers. “We have managed to touch for a short time after the triad of successes in the municipal, presidential and European elections,” Bihari said.