The Olympic winner from Nagano was threatened with imprisonment for fraud, and finally got a condition – ŠPORT.SK

today 11:58 | Former Czech hockey goalkeeper and Olympic winner from Nagano 1998 Roman Čechmánek received a three-year prison sentence from the Regional Court in Zlín on Tuesday, with a suspended sentence of five years’ probation for fraud. As the portal informed, this is the fourth decision in a row, the courts have been dealing with the case since 2018. Previous verdicts were acquittal, but the public prosecutor always appealed and the High Court in Olomouc returned the case for further hearing. The 51-year-old former goalkeeper got into business and did not pay invoices for work at the brewery in Zlín or an apartment building in Holešov. The portal further stated that the damage was originally estimated at 15 million Czech crowns, but according to the latest judgment, it is 7.2 million. Čechmánek’s lawyer, Tomáš Štípek, said that they were leaving a deadline for a possible appeal. The prosecutor did the same, proposing a four-year unconditional sentence. Čechmánek himself did not comment after the verdict, but he repeats all the time that he did not want to deceive anyone and that if he did not have execution, he would repay the debts. Čechmánek has gold from Nagano, three gold and two bronze medals from the World Championships, he won the Czech extra league five times, once the highest Czechoslovak competition and in the NHL he won the Jennings trophy with his teammate from Philadelphia Robert Esche, which is awarded to goalkeepers with the lowest number of goals parts. In the NHL, he caught 212 base doubles for the Flyers and Los Angeles Kings, with an average of 2.08 goals collected and a 91.9-percent success rate, while in 23 playoff games he had an average of 2.33 goals and a 90.9-percent success rate. Do you want a hockey stick? Win stone, paper, scissors: