“The French are very ungrateful”: the secrets of Emmanuel Macron’s father before the second round of the presidency

the essential Jean-Michel Macron, the father of Emmanuel Macron, gave an interview to the Est Républicain. The neurologist by profession returned to the relationship he has with his son. Discreet: Jean-Michel Macron, the father of Emmanuel Macron, refuses to put himself in the light. The neurologist by profession claims to have a somewhat “distant” relationship with his son, but in an interview with Est Républicain this Tuesday, April 19, the father does not hesitate to describe “his admiration” for Emmanuel Macron. “There are not many European leaders who have done what he has done, says this specialist in neurology, sleep disorders and epilepsy. I have a lot of admiration for the way he currently leads the state. I think you have to have a lot of courage and that the French are very ungrateful, but that’s nothing new”. “I approve of 90% of what he does” Jean-Michel Macron moderates, however: “I approve of 90% of what he does. We never agree 100%. I am not a follower of a sect”. From Covid to Ukraine, the father of the Head of State describes the merit of Emmanuel Macron “to face up to everything that has fallen on his head”. He ends up deciding on the prospects for this second round of the 2022 presidential election: “It’s not like five years ago (…) I’m not afraid, but it’s still a risk”, he explains, speaking of the scenario that gives Marine Le Pen (RN) the winner.